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The World

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To put each person transforms this vision in agreement its interpretation involves the conflict of ideas in the creation of its proper identity. The form to read in the space between lineses according to Chatier (p.179) on a fact or history not if of in the same way, therefore has the ones that ' ' they withhold the form most adept of leitura' ' , others engatinham in the phrases searching to decipher its meaning. As well as it has some platforms for interpretation of a text, exist some ways to interpret the world in the construction of the identity of a person, tribe or people. In the form as each one constroe its world, that is, the had importance that of a what the identification of each one for this fact, circumstance or event are presented at that moment and. The given importance is the bridge for the identity of a group or people, which if differentiates of excessively for the vision and the contours given for it.

The historian when weaveeing history in accordance with uses of the details of these same contours for its identification, of – them a format an order. The historian it projects in the temporality the possibility of reporting in them to a time that of some form assisted in the construction of an identity in this direction literature and history, walk together; literature contributes to its way as source to the historian, for transposing in the temporality and nostalgia has a inretornvel time, making possible the transcription of the texts and to report us it this temporality. The understanding of the processes fits to the historian that involve the construction of the identity of a people or city. The cities according to Calvin (apud PESAVENTO), ' ' … holds several cidades' ' , that is, inside of a city if it holds some tribes, who follow customs, proper rituals, proper ways of survives, r participate of the same community, religiosidade; inside of these same its proper divisions gradas for the conflict and the identification of each one exist.