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Council Auch

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Yes, he was even the Central form for mass influence in addition to the broadcasting. Here, it was to be so by a young democracy. This order to be reflected in the individual standards again. And these standards number comprised only five . Authorisation for Austrian films each public performance of talkies was in principle subject to approval. Thus, the State reserved a basic prior censorship of the content and the related performance ability. The authorization was linked to a consensual approval of public offices for industrial, commercial, trade and transport and public enlightenment, education and education, religious affairs.

Thus, the organizational forerunner of trade and the Ministry of education had the joint expertise of approval or rejection of public performance. Interestingly, spoken by conditions, the exclusively on the economic promotion of take Austrian film production”. In addition stipulates, that be reserved for more regulations for cultural and political reasons”. Thus, the economic primacy over the politico-cultural primacy is held even though it actually went to a pre-publication in regard to the political primacy for the preservation and strengthening of the Democratic Austria. More regulations are announced however.

Mandatory Austrian short films with public content promoting the production of Austrian short sound film is also explicitly”addressed. In particular, cultural films and newsreels are as short films”” addressed. “Normalized in this connection, that all public demonstrations of talkies in the opening act for domestically produced short films to show off” are. Thus, the concrete promotion of Austrian short sound film with public content material is held. In addition, “at public demonstrations were “such short films banned additions and omissions. General power of Attorney creates working goods”short film in a regulation authorization, again an agreement of the State Privy tied to, created a film Attorney: producing the composition and assignment of the short films, the rental price to be paid by the cinema operators, the replacement of such short films by foreign short films through the Exchange this cinema law could be regulated based on closer by the administration. Thus the Austrian film became a fully managed”goods. “” Film industry Council Auch a kind of filmwirtschaftlicher Welfare Committee “established in extra: General filmwirtschaftlicher interests and the specific advice of the visting for industrial, commercial, trade and traffic in film questions” were associated with a film Council. Austrian law Imperial Germans penalties no law without penalty. That’s why it came Film industry act without the threat of punishment from. This law was passed on 10 July 1945, therefore the penalty was in its financial performance as fines up to 20,000 Reichsmark”set in Joseph currency. The imprisonment was, however, nice Austrian in “arrest up to six months” threatened. The consequence of the decline of film copies went hand in hand with the. The threat of the possibility of a possible prosecution under other legal provisions thus went hand in hand. Life off the film industry Act 1945 was content after only seven months actually as so-called permanent standard”applied. It was 1945 by no means intended for decision-making on the 10.Juli soon to repeal this law. This was nothing. With federal law on 19 February 1946 the cinema law was repealed in 1945 validity in turn through the federal legislature after slightly more than 7 months.


Chinese Aphrodisiac

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Brain (as an aphrodisiac) In addition to eating the brain of primates (or a Human monkey) is known a few "recipes", which includes the brain of various animals. The medieval philosopher, alchemist and hermetists Albertus Magnus (c. 1200-1280) recommended, inter alia, a dash of red wine chopped brain partridges. And according to ge , fresh brains of young calf, lamb and pig has a stimulating effect and stimulates the libido. He also said that for the same purpose use dove brain. Milk witch imagery the name of colostrum – a yellowish liquid, evolved from the breast of pregnant women before delivery. Considered a strong aphrodisiac. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Digital Cameras. Colostrum – the first food of the nursing infant.

A few days after birth, this fluid and brightens, ie turns to normal "breast milk". They say that colostrum rejuvenates the body. Many adult men have experienced its effects on themselves. Nutmeg is one of the few aphrodisiacs enjoying the love of women. In the West, nutmeg – Common spice.

But the Oriental people, especially Chinese, treated him in a special way. According to Robert A. Wilson, nutmeg "are much stronger than marijuana." His reception connected, but with nasty side effects: nausea and increased heart rate, accompanied by panic. The optimal dose of nutmeg has not yet been established. Two essential oils contained in the nutmeg, – isosafrole and miristitsin – served as the prototype of the other 2 drugs – mda and mmda (the latter is better known as "Ecstasy"). Rhino horn from the animal extracted substance having aphrodisiac properties.


Echinacea Treatment

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Echinacea tincture can be used for the treatment of mother's udder (or gidradenita – suppurative inflammation of the sweat glands, most often appearing in the armpit, at least – in other parts of the body). Ingest 30 drops 3 times a day. From the same infusion at suchem udder can make compresses to the affected sites. In order to remedy an effect, you need a full course of treatment – 2-3 weeks. After a break of 5-7 days it may be repeated. Tincture very well heal the ulcer stomach, promotes the dissolution and removal of kidney stones, cure bph, inflammation of urogenital, female inflammation, constipation, abdominal vessels, normalizes all the metabolic processes in the body. Music downloads contributes greatly to this topic. In bronchial asthma, pneumonia, cough tincture rubbed his back, especially under the shoulder blades, seven consecutive days. Infusion of 30 g of fresh or dried flowers of Echinacea pour 0.5 gallons of boiling water and boil 10 minutes in a sealed container, after which insist in a warm place for 5 hours, filtered.

In the present, you can add sugar, honey, berry juice or syrup. Drink half a cup 3 times a day. Infusion increases efficiency, reduces fatigue, improves immunity and resistance to various colds. health session Take 3 tbsp. tablespoons tincture of echinacea, 2 fruit ginger, 1 large orange and 1 teaspoon of honey. 2.5 Art. tablespoons tincture of echinacea is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water and pour into the bath (Temperature – 39-41 C).

Add 1.5 to the same shredded ginger, grated fruit and orange segments. Separately, prepare a glass of black tea, add a 0.5 century. tablespoons tincture of echinacea, honey and remaining ginger. This cocktail health to drink while bathing – to enhance wellness effect. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. This session of Chinese medicine is good to use for the prevention of viral diseases, as well as in the case you begin a cold, Persha in the throat and a headache. Echinacea contains a whole bunch of medicinal substances with anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and even anti-fungal action. Ginger has a unique immunomodulatory effect, and orange, thanks to the high content of vitamin C is indispensable in the fight against colds. Facial fresh juice of the leaves and flowers of Echinacea smeared on the face at night spots, freckles, warts, acne, herpes, pus formations and wrinkles. Medicinal tea Take 3 fresh flower or 2 teaspoons crushed root or leaves, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse 40 minutes. Drink 1 cup a day for prevention and improvement and 3 cups in the beginning of any illness (colds, flu, inflammation, eczema, etc.) to improve immunity. Tea slows aging process, perfectly cleanses and rejuvenates the entire body. Echinacea with honey Crushed into flour all parts of the plant mixed with honey in the ratio 1:3 and are used with the tea 2-3 times a day. The drug is particularly effective for severe headaches, chronic fatigue, vitamin deficiency, high blood pressure. Normalizes sleep, excellent calms the nervous system. When taken regularly cures epilepsy, irritability, improves eyesight and memory. Vitamin salad chopped leaves pour vegetable oil Add dill, parsley, finely chopped vegetables. Cures anemia, vitamin deficiency, improves blood, relieves headaches, improves the tone.


For Demon

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What it confers your teaching activity, based in its values, as it is placed in the world, its to know, you distress, desires, and the direction that is to be professor in its life, this next to its relations with other professors and other institutions. To be actor and author of its identity seems to express, or better, to load all the abrangncia that involves the being professor. Others including Debbie Staggs, offer their opinions as well. In this dynamic context, sped up that the world if presents, the professor has a giant challenge to construct and to keep its identity. For Demon (2004), the profession of the professor will be each valued time more, in function of the intensive society of the knowledge and also which had to the right to learn. An encouraging, important affirmation for the professional professor.

But that professional professor? That one that if really identifies as professor? That one that another one identity. As Demon (2004), all the professions suffer incontido consuming, if mainly inserted in the disrupitiva dynamics of the knowledge. the professor in special is whitened by this consuming. But at the same time it is the profession most promising, therefore the learning demand will go to increase, is a necessity of the society and thus the essential educator will be part for the future of the same one. Ahead of the reflection explored for Demon, one thinks that the professional, when making its choice for the docncia, will have to watch over for its> identity, to construct it continuously inside of a professor proposal personal who learns that he is in tune with the context which is inserted. Made use to breach with the traditional reproduction of the knowledge. to think about strategies as educator of this future society.