
Chinese Aphrodisiac

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Brain (as an aphrodisiac) In addition to eating the brain of primates (or a Human monkey) is known a few "recipes", which includes the brain of various animals. The medieval philosopher, alchemist and hermetists Albertus Magnus (c. 1200-1280) recommended, inter alia, a dash of red wine chopped brain partridges. And according to ge , fresh brains of young calf, lamb and pig has a stimulating effect and stimulates the libido. He also said that for the same purpose use dove brain. Milk witch imagery the name of colostrum – a yellowish liquid, evolved from the breast of pregnant women before delivery. Considered a strong aphrodisiac. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Digital Cameras. Colostrum – the first food of the nursing infant.

A few days after birth, this fluid and brightens, ie turns to normal "breast milk". They say that colostrum rejuvenates the body. Many adult men have experienced its effects on themselves. Nutmeg is one of the few aphrodisiacs enjoying the love of women. In the West, nutmeg – Common spice.

But the Oriental people, especially Chinese, treated him in a special way. According to Robert A. Wilson, nutmeg "are much stronger than marijuana." His reception connected, but with nasty side effects: nausea and increased heart rate, accompanied by panic. The optimal dose of nutmeg has not yet been established. Two essential oils contained in the nutmeg, – isosafrole and miristitsin – served as the prototype of the other 2 drugs – mda and mmda (the latter is better known as "Ecstasy"). Rhino horn from the animal extracted substance having aphrodisiac properties.


Echinacea Treatment

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Echinacea tincture can be used for the treatment of mother's udder (or gidradenita – suppurative inflammation of the sweat glands, most often appearing in the armpit, at least – in other parts of the body). Ingest 30 drops 3 times a day. From the same infusion at suchem udder can make compresses to the affected sites. In order to remedy an effect, you need a full course of treatment – 2-3 weeks. After a break of 5-7 days it may be repeated. Tincture very well heal the ulcer stomach, promotes the dissolution and removal of kidney stones, cure bph, inflammation of urogenital, female inflammation, constipation, abdominal vessels, normalizes all the metabolic processes in the body. Music downloads contributes greatly to this topic. In bronchial asthma, pneumonia, cough tincture rubbed his back, especially under the shoulder blades, seven consecutive days. Infusion of 30 g of fresh or dried flowers of Echinacea pour 0.5 gallons of boiling water and boil 10 minutes in a sealed container, after which insist in a warm place for 5 hours, filtered.

In the present, you can add sugar, honey, berry juice or syrup. Drink half a cup 3 times a day. Infusion increases efficiency, reduces fatigue, improves immunity and resistance to various colds. health session Take 3 tbsp. tablespoons tincture of echinacea, 2 fruit ginger, 1 large orange and 1 teaspoon of honey. 2.5 Art. tablespoons tincture of echinacea is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water and pour into the bath (Temperature – 39-41 C).

Add 1.5 to the same shredded ginger, grated fruit and orange segments. Separately, prepare a glass of black tea, add a 0.5 century. tablespoons tincture of echinacea, honey and remaining ginger. This cocktail health to drink while bathing – to enhance wellness effect. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. This session of Chinese medicine is good to use for the prevention of viral diseases, as well as in the case you begin a cold, Persha in the throat and a headache. Echinacea contains a whole bunch of medicinal substances with anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and even anti-fungal action. Ginger has a unique immunomodulatory effect, and orange, thanks to the high content of vitamin C is indispensable in the fight against colds. Facial fresh juice of the leaves and flowers of Echinacea smeared on the face at night spots, freckles, warts, acne, herpes, pus formations and wrinkles. Medicinal tea Take 3 fresh flower or 2 teaspoons crushed root or leaves, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse 40 minutes. Drink 1 cup a day for prevention and improvement and 3 cups in the beginning of any illness (colds, flu, inflammation, eczema, etc.) to improve immunity. Tea slows aging process, perfectly cleanses and rejuvenates the entire body. Echinacea with honey Crushed into flour all parts of the plant mixed with honey in the ratio 1:3 and are used with the tea 2-3 times a day. The drug is particularly effective for severe headaches, chronic fatigue, vitamin deficiency, high blood pressure. Normalizes sleep, excellent calms the nervous system. When taken regularly cures epilepsy, irritability, improves eyesight and memory. Vitamin salad chopped leaves pour vegetable oil Add dill, parsley, finely chopped vegetables. Cures anemia, vitamin deficiency, improves blood, relieves headaches, improves the tone.


For Demon

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What it confers your teaching activity, based in its values, as it is placed in the world, its to know, you distress, desires, and the direction that is to be professor in its life, this next to its relations with other professors and other institutions. To be actor and author of its identity seems to express, or better, to load all the abrangncia that involves the being professor. Others including Debbie Staggs, offer their opinions as well. In this dynamic context, sped up that the world if presents, the professor has a giant challenge to construct and to keep its identity. For Demon (2004), the profession of the professor will be each valued time more, in function of the intensive society of the knowledge and also which had to the right to learn. An encouraging, important affirmation for the professional professor.

But that professional professor? That one that if really identifies as professor? That one that another one identity. As Demon (2004), all the professions suffer incontido consuming, if mainly inserted in the disrupitiva dynamics of the knowledge. the professor in special is whitened by this consuming. But at the same time it is the profession most promising, therefore the learning demand will go to increase, is a necessity of the society and thus the essential educator will be part for the future of the same one. Ahead of the reflection explored for Demon, one thinks that the professional, when making its choice for the docncia, will have to watch over for its> identity, to construct it continuously inside of a professor proposal personal who learns that he is in tune with the context which is inserted. Made use to breach with the traditional reproduction of the knowledge. to think about strategies as educator of this future society.


Henry Mintzberg

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The idea is to emphasize that the companies must make of the Strategical Planning its distinguishing greater in the competitive market and that the customers do not have to be seen as simple purchasers of products, but as lifting of a business, people special who, if taken care of well, will be handspikes so that the company if keeps and grows in the market, independent of the competition and the branch of business where she acts. It is basic to approach the concepts and the relevance of the Strategy and the Strategical Planning in this article, therefore it is known that no organization grows without planning, and this starts when the structural bases that esteiam the business strategically are studied and analyzed. Thus, the importance and the concepts, from the vision of authors as Henry Mintzberg, Igor Ansoff, Porter, Wright Kroll and Pamell, Drucker, beyond of Chan Kim and the French teacher Rene Mauborne, is the references of support for this moment for extending the agreement on the subject. Consideraes on Social Responsibility is presented, therefore they intencionam to bring to tona the quarrel on the use of resources of the organization to help to solve problems and accomplishment of goals social, since all company could have this commitment stops with the society, therefore if it assumes that these organizacionais goals do not have mere to be economic, but also social. One searched then to identify through examples two companies whose behaviors are inserted in this context: the American 3M and Calados Azalea is boarded for being organizations that believe that the social responsibility consists of projected activities to improve the society and not only to take care of to the economic interests and technician of the organization. Finally, some consideraes on Strategy of Differentiation, focada in the importance are made of Communication, therefore the organizations need to convince the market the one that if destine of the differential of its products and/or its activities, strengthening that an excellent attendance and a system of narrow relationship with the customers are primordial conditions to support the differentiation throughout the time.



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It is important that self-esteem of the child is not hung in the air, had not been invented, the ideal, it is necessary that it be backed by something real. He must know what he can and much much can (and do something – even better than the other, for example, paint, sculpt, sing, sing, read poetry). There is even a test for parents. "I know how I can." Mom gives a leaflet and asked to write, "that my child can and what can be." As a rule, my mother can tell her own child is not a lot positive, but "that he could not" take many, many stitches. A similar task is given the most to the child. Caution: the more kid to write about yourself good, the higher the psychological well-being! If he can not speak about currently no good – it's a disaster. Urgently begin to teach him this, otherwise it will be hard to defend against those attacks, which he had to endure at school. Digital Cameras does not necessarily agree. Do not forget to praise: "How great you get (to draw, knit, glue).

You're much more talented than this, than we are with my dad, what your cousin … "We find very little positive recognition. Thousands of adult women there, never heard from those close to a confession of love in tenderness and affection. And it stretches from my childhood! Underpaid in the early years of positive feedback, a person loses a lot in life. All good, positive. Any tiny step forward should be fixed. It is our duty to our neighbors – especially in front of their children. Feeling gratitude, we must give thanks, marveling at her baby – marvel aloud. The main strategic task of the parents – to give the child 6-8 years such a powerful psychological defense that would allow all future failure to perceive as private, do not affect its global, absolute values: family, environment, values of the younger man as personality.


The Situations

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The cooperated ones are producing agricultural, with little escolaridade and vast practical experience, that the application makes it difficult of new technologies of production. E, as the power to decide process inside of a cooperative one passes for the consensus of the cooperated ones, is necessary the constant formation technique of the producers. Therefore, for Mrs. Ctia, strategy is the way to convince the cooperated ones the correct actions to be taken to the development of the business. It is to obtain to revert to the situations to our favor.

Why … knowledge are few. … Nor always people has access pro that it needs. Then it needs to have a thing that the personal flame of waist game. Costumo to say that in some difficult situations you need to have skill, you has that to have a power to convince for the argument, the people go to make what you need.

You decide. … Has some people as soon as, they had learned the life all to make of a skill. If I arrive and speak that this here is not in accordance with the technique, and I am therefore that we are having problem, it I do not go to accept. It goes to feel itself diminished in its knowledge practical. You have that to have a strategy. In the truth you are giving the knowledge, but this knowledge has that to be given of form that is easy pra it (cooperated) to accept. If not accepted it. It needs to be a way to convince, this valley pra everything, pra to vender the fruits, has that to have skill. (stretch of the interview) When comparing the concept defined with the theoretical concept of Porter, perceives that ' ' skill of convencer' ' used as half of if reaching an objective it is, also, a defensive or offensive action, that it aims at to create a position in the market, facing the existing competitive forces.


The Public

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Ahead of the displayed one, it is evidenced the agreement of that activities or services are considered public if to take care of to the interests of the collective, that is, they need to be directed, of general form, for all. Essential, also, that the development of this activity or service is regulated by the State, that is, exactly that the state machine does not give the service directly, this will only be public when it will be for regulated it. It is observed that in the whole world, the attributions of the public service are passing for transformations. Filed under: Debbie Staggs.

The trends that had prevailed in years 80, searching to diminish the paper of the government in some important areas have contrarily to the foreseen one, increased the critical significance of the paper of the State in others. That is especially evident when if it considers the strategical, conducting activities and regulating of the State, on which the freedom politics, democracy, social justice and economic prosperity wide depends. Such tasks must in such a way be exerted in international or intergovernamental national level how much. Thus, the operations of the public administration must concentrate its efforts in the direction to increase its cost-effectiveness and transparency. The changes must help to function it better, to the lesser possible cost, promoting transparent and professional public a management, in benefit of the citizen. In this process of modernization, the search for the quality in the installment of the service to the public became an imperative in face of the new position adopted for the public administration, where the focus is directed for the user, its end and reason to exist, it excusing an attendance of excellency, who places the services, routines, norms and behaviors its service, of transparent, participativa and inductive form of the social control. public organization must follow then the strategy of the user, that is, it must prioritize of total form the user-citizen.


Individual Model

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Given these conditions, the potential customers are incapable to take decisions. Whenever music downloads listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Informed on the measure that will go to choose, they can be influenced by this stimulaton of commercialization. In recent months, Peet’s Coffee has been very successful. Some scholars affirm that in the way of this problem he exists all the attempts persuasion, a time that many times are placed in our sensorial way without permission, tacit and the strategical intentions of its desenvolvedores remain unknown. However, a basic distinction between collective marketing and other neuromarketing, is the tactics is that the old attempt of to change beliefs, attitudes and behaviors through the well-recognized ways, while second they are expert in attempts to set in motion the purchase for the emotions in the consumers. The Ethical Questions For the Individual Model of Persuasion – Neuromarketing The Individual Model of Persuasion of Neuromarketing espelha the possible ethical problems associates to the phase of analysis of the old models, however, the similarities to finish there.

A time that the fan of possible neural reactions is explored fully, the potential customers are displayed the stimulatons of marketing with the intention to create an individual profile for manipulation ends, being used a series of perfectioning of the persuasion attempts, that continuously are monitorizadas and registered. The first ethical quandary that if places inside of the intervention phase, is the concern if the consumers are conscientious and have assent for onipresente guided analysis/the personal exposition of marketing and its stimulatons. The worse scene involves the use of technologies in public neuroimagens, context where the consumers would be submitted its jobs and/or of its effect on the result of cerebral functioning decision taking. Such context it limits the free will of the consumer and violates the ethics rational, a time that a person never would go to choose to be manipulated. The following logic is the scene that allows to the awareness of accompaniment and development of the personalized marketing, using tactical and methods of the neurocincia and technologies without assent or truth.


Great Patriotic

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" About 60 thousand of the sons and daughters of small Kabardino-Balkaria became warriors. Seven sons carried on the front Kabardian Lostan Gusov, six – Balkar Zhandarov Bachiev. Click Digital Cameras for additional related pages. Of the six sons of Ali Zhanataeva four gave their lives for the victory. Pshibievy carried out on the front of 28 people, 14 of them died in battles with the Nazis. And there were many families throughout the Caucasus! In the family Georgian farmer Abesadze of 17 brothers went to the front 14, left home just kids. Went to the front of the seven Karagezovyh Yerevan.

When the Germans came to Vladikavkaz, in the ranks of the defenders of the city rose even hundred Tasoltan Markets and the 80-year-old Nicholas Batna. In early August, from the Caucasus to the aid of the retreating armies arrived about 15 divisions, including four of the Azerbaijani, Georgian and four 3 Armenian. Kleist's Panzer Army, strove to Grozny, the Baksan-Ter turn ran into powerful resistance to Soviet divisions. Small Nalchik has proved a powerful obstacle to the German Panzer divisions. 70 days, they could not cross the river and capture the town of Baksan. Equally bravely repulsed enemy attacks on Soviet troops near Novorossiysk and over mountain passes. The whole year the Germans tried to seize a shed on the outskirts of Novorossiysk, which was defended by Lieutenant N. Tursunbekova garrison.

189 attacks recaptured the characters, but did not retreat! Artillery Battalion Captain Aslanuka Sohrokova of 408 th Infantry Division, left without infantry support, 16 days before the last shell, held the pass at Tuapse, killing several hundred Nazis. The captain managed to keep Sohrokov all instruments and personnel division. For a whole week under Ordzhonikidze, surrounded by gates kept the bunker number 12 out of 26 Border Regiment, which was George Mikheev Pavel Kupriyanov, Fedor Altunin and Ivan Velichko. When units of the 26th Regiment repulsed the Germans from the bunker, they saw before them 42 dead fascist. Such feats as a sapper feat 151st Division Mesrop Gazaryan, the cost of his life blew up railway bridge across the Terek River, blocking thereby the way the Germans in his native Baku, you can call hundreds of them. 440 days was a battle for the Caucasus, during which Soviet troops and the guerrillas killed about 400 thousand soldiers and officers of the enemy, 1,500 tanks, about 10,000 guns and more than 2,000 aircraft. Soviet forces lost 355,000 killed soldiers and officers. Number of participants in the battles and losses in the battle for the Caucasus on both sides is comparable to the amount of losses in other battles of the Great Patriotic. Medal "For defense of Moscow" were awarded 120 000 people, "For the defense of Stalingrad" – 760 thousand, and "For the Defense of the Caucasus" – 870 000. But these comparisons do not give the right to call the battle for the Caucasus outstanding, and its strategic importance. Taking Nazis Caucasus would lead to loss of the Black Sea fleet, fuel sources and have pushed for a long time our victory, millions of people would increase our casualties. For outstanding achievements in the fight against the invaders of Novorossiysk the title of "Hero City" and Malgobek Vladikavkaz and awarded the title "City of Military Glory." Given the contribution of Kabardino-Balkaria in the victory over the enemy and that Nalchik in 70 days delayed the advancing enemy to Baku, thus enabling our command to prepare forces to defeat him, Nalchik deserves the title "City of Military Glory." Historical justice must be restored!


Jerome McCarthy

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Marketing composition According to Jerome McCarthy. Basicmarketing (1960) and deals with the set of point of interests for which the organizations must this intent one, if desires to pursue its objectives of Marketing. The composition is divided in four sections that are; – product of the English product – price of the Prince English – local of the English promotion Yield of allocation of resources is not enough to satisfy the consumers, if this will be made in a lucrative way. The marketing strategy must, therefore, to identify, to attract and to keep the income-producing customer. That is, those that generate a prescription flow that exceeds the flow of cost of being to attract vendem and serviz it. Cycle of life of the product of services the cycle of life of a product or service indicates possibility of the growth of the consuming market and also it indicates action principles that can be followed in the planejamentos of the marketing. Principles of marketing According to Hooley, Saunders Piercy (2001) the principles that serve to guide the concept in such a way as action of Marketing are; – the customer is the center of everything: from the recognition on that the survival of a company depends on the satisfaction of the customer, to search the best form to take care of it; – the customers do not buy products: they buy what the products make for they, that is, the customers are interested in the benefits that they get by means of the purchase, use or consumption of good of services; – the Marketing is very important to be left the position only of the department of Marketing: the Marketing is a task of all in the organizations. The actions of all can have an impact on the final customers and its satisfaction? second (Hooley; Saunders; Piercy, 2001, P. 24); – the markets are heterogeneous: the market is divided in different customers, specific niches, distinct segments.