Klimahaus Bremerhaven

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Impressive ice formations, breathtaking climbs and a personal story. Bremerhaven, January 2014. “The film chasing ice” shows the nature photographer James Balog in his hunt for the Arctic ice. It is a fascinating documentation of the ice at the same time characterized landscape in the Arctic and also a kind of life story of adventurer Balog. “The Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8 OST and the Alfred Wegener Institute show the film on January 28 at 7: 00 as a prelude for a series on the topic of fascination nature” at 19: 00 in the knowledge and experience.

James Balog, who works for the magazine national geographic, traveled for years to the most remote places, from Iceland to Greenland until after Canada, to install many cameras there on glaciers. In a fixed rhythm devices shoot again from their point of view. Considered in the time lapse, the collected image material documented how the ice increasingly retreats. Director Jeff Orlowski accompanied Baba in his expeditions and shows how much heart the geoscientists his extreme ice observation, the extreme ice survey (EIS) “works.” He climbs over rocks and abseiling in crevasses, to capture the best pictures of the time blue time grey black landscape can be. In the course of the project, he arrived physically as well as mentally sometimes its limits.

“For the most impressive pictures of chasing ice” nature itself provides, especially when the viewers can watch the calving of a glacier Massif in Greenland: suddenly the ice machine in motion and gradually more and more parts of the Massif abort and throw the groaning and rumbling into the sea. The footage here, represents the longest video sequence of such an event. With all these recordings succeeded James Balog and his team, to hold climate change in pictures. The Klimahaus and the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven (AWI) show the award-winning documentary on 28 January at 19: 00 in the knowledge and experience. Cards for the price of 5 euros can now purchased the Klimahaus -Kasse be. Following the demonstration, Klaus Metropolitan field, climate scientist at the AWI, the audience answers questions about glaciers and climate change. In his research, he deals in particular with the influence of the ice sheets and ice shelves in sea level changes. “” Chasing ice “is the kick-off of several evenings titled fascination nature”, which in the first quarter of the year 2014 in the knowledge and experience take place. “” February 27 follow the adventure short film of the Banff Mountain Film Festival world tour “and on March 20, the Klimahaus to a trip into the underwater world at the Multivisionsshow loads Tiefenrausch”. Each of these events taken into another world and makes the nature on their way to the actor.