Liberation Education

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Other aspects that are also spoken in these books are that she focus on changes in paradigms, evolution of consciousness, imbalances that has suffered in recent years society, the way of how we preserve our planet through sustainable development, transforming schools into communities that learn. From here comes the need of transcend developing comprehensive human beings, that we will be able to consider all aspects as sustainability, integrity, individuality and true spirituality. Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava describes us true education as a process of meaningful learning, which awakens the universal conscience, us out of selfishness and individualism, reveals to us the truth of the planetary interdependence of all human beings. The goal of schools holistas is developing a new educational paradigm by establishing internal order, understanding, knowing educating for life, peace and a comprehensive society.

Development: The holistic educator should nurture the best of each person, through universal love, we all need love. Now we will make a small remembrance of how the different paradigms of education have changed through the centuries, in the 15th century, education was based on religious beliefs where the Church was that I had the power that is lived with a dogmatic vision, all I was focused on priests, worship etc. believed in them and obeyed everything what you told them, only Vivian to worship them to their beliefs, now turn to 17TH century in this century there was a big problem in removing persons dogmatic vision and implement the paradigm shift that was emerging that is education here was based on a modern rational visionhis vision was to leave behind any belief to focus on all theoretical follow-up, the human will was leaving aside by the methodical, start different teaching methods and learning begins to leave the churches by the universities, was an era more modern where he brought democracy, the change of archaic thinking to scientific thought, was given the women’s Liberation, the abolition of slavery, the birth of schools, etc., although this thought was more mechanized their objective was more scientist in education, was fragmented into separate disciplines, i.e.