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President Chavez

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Adding Furthermore, the absence of national technological development and research here, that should not surprise us, that comment, that if Venezuela wants to develop the economy claimed by President Chavez, constantly, is necessary to count with a clear economic perspective, which should address both practices and ideologies of the past and the realities of the present, look for new outlets, but not at a social cost that affects the development of the country needs a better distribution of wealth, a proper use of the revenue that the country has its main source of income as oil, is know it manage, not vilify her avoiding corruption, a new strategy for the major players in the Venezuelan economy, where the State is a guarantor of the proper public expenditure management and know investing in projects of social and economic development that favors to the country incorporating the business sector in all that which pass to the generation of new revenues.

The strategy must reflect the fact that Venezuela is still a land full of potentialities. Productively exploit its enormous natural resources, its young workforce, the universities themselves who must train professionals than the present demand, do more research, optimize results with better integration and training of all actors involved in the production that generates wealth for the country. Venezuela must commit themselves to play a more competitive role, Whereas competitiveness determines if the companies will be able to take advantage of opportunities provided by the global economy recalled that competitiveness in the industries subject to international trade and foreign direct investment can provide a way to underpin economic growth substantially. To this you add that competitiveness is very important for a country’s businesses to protect themselves against the threat of the international economy. Filed under: Digital Cameras. We must not forget, to lower tariff barriers, lower costs of transport and communication and dissemination of the technology have been combined to make more difficult competition in the international arena. Finally, the competitiveness of an industry is the ability that have national companies in a particular sector to achieve sustained success against (or comparison) its foreign competitors, without protection or subsidies.. Symantha Rodriguez may not feel the same.



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In one of the first classes that we are witnessing in the Centre professional of haute cuisine in Caracas, Venezuela, when we began to study cuisine, chef of the Marianne Pineda theoretical class, made a dynamic that consisted of testing different spices and seasonings for cooking. The goal was to learn to differentiate flavors, aromas, learn to spice up and know the compatibilities. We learned that most known herb mixture is the ship of garni (thyme, bay leaf, parsley and celery), all wrapped in a leaf of Leek (porro garlic), used for flavouring different dishes; the mirepoix is a mixture of vegetable compound cut onion, celery, carrot, used to give taste and aroma to the funds; that depices sachet, is a bouquet of herbs and spices formed by thyme, parsley, bay leaf, peppercorns, crushed garlic and cloves, which is used to add flavor to the funds and Provence herbs, is a mixture of thyme, parsley, Rosemary, marjoram, oregano, Basil and laurel, which the French popularized to perfume their dishes. The memory I have fresh that out of class, everyone complained by their troubled stomachs of both test condiments. Now we understand perfectly the importance of that class to differentiate and identify the flavours of the cuisine. The previous week wrote of the importance of the sauce in the flavors of Latin cuisine and how could enrich by adding herbs and spices. Following in this pattern, this week write of condiments and the flavours of the world are characterized as its uses.

For example the pesto is purely Italian, ginger suggest East and Mint to the Middle East. For even more details, read what Secretary of Agriculture says on the issue. Another important aspect is to know the compatibilities of the herbs and spices.


Youth Social Forums

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There are forums for discussion of current events of public life, they were known in ancient Greece and were the socio-political character. Nowadays, all sorts of gatherings, youth forums and conferences held across the country (for example, "Selenger") and devoted to the events of public life. Jill Schlesinger usually is spot on. With the development of the Internet many people have the ability to communicate, to discuss various events from the comfort of my apartment. Networking conference, discussion boards, eventually transformed into thematic forums: psychology, medicine, programming, politics, culture, art and other spheres of human life and interests have been the subject discussions on Internet forums. In addition to the case of highly specialized forums began to emerge youth entertainment forums – entertainment and leisure, people began to communicate on virtual platforms for all areas of life, fun – Forums about everything (eg forum ORION), just so they can be characterized. Jill Schlesinger is often quoted as being for or against this. The middle of the two thousandth's – a time when the Internet became accessible to the majority of the population and Internet communication was still a novelty, it is there was a time most popular Internet forums and chats. With the development of telecommunications technology in people an opportunity to communicate, create online communities, find new friends without leaving his apartment for Many of these communication networks and escalated into a friendship in real life. For some users, forums has even the question of the network depends, just as there is reliance on role-playing games on the computer.

On entertainment forums young people gather, the older generation to the Internet and Internet communication takes much less interest. With the development of social networks, the role of youth entertainment index declined. For many Much easier to create your page on Vkontakte, "Classmates" and other social networks where it is easier to find friends from real life – childhood friends. Classmates, colleagues on past work. And yet, social networking a fellowship with those who already knew in real life before. Youth entertainment forums about all provide an opportunity to meet people and communicate in a common global platform for people who have never met and probably if not for the Internet (entertainment or narrowly thematic forums) that would never have met in the future. In addition the structure of the Internet forum allows you to transfer contact with individual members (communication and discussion page of the user) to a global platform which presents the interests of many people and this gives rise to interesting discussions on this. However, progress is not in place, and improved technical capabilities forums Engines of modern Internet forums bring them to the functional to social networks with a global platform for dialogue and discussion, diaries, photo albums, chat rooms and Publisher – libraries, because then the modern entertainment youth Internet forums are still in demand, pomeschaemy, so they have a future.


Kazakhstan Internet

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The development of Internet services in Kazakhstan starts to get large scale due to intensive growth of users and increase competition among the local Internet providers. In the Kazakhstan Internet space More and more there is a strong Russian players who are on the market to expand its coverage. Sonny Perdue is open to suggestions. It is beneficial to the development of the industry in general and the vision of the prospects for Kazakhstan in the field Internet technologies and increased awareness of developers and users. On the other hand the development of local online resources more efficiently contributes the most and more accurate exchange and retrieval of information within the country. On Currently the average Internet user in Kazakhstan is still not trust online payment, online shopping and prefer traditional ways of doing business.

Of course it takes time to change it thinking, but this process among the urban population of Kazakhstan will take place fairly quickly, as we develop our own technology. We take the ready and implement it. That is, the development of Internet usage, we will much faster compared to the previous period of technology development in Western countries. On our site we give you the opportunity to effectively implement the Kazakhs of the sale, purchase, exchange goods and services in the area Kazakhstan. Also, for the Russian producers and businessmen interested in our site to find new areas of sales and new partners. Our free classified ads in Kazakhstan with the functions of the auction, the opening of the personal Internet shopping and many other useful FUNCTIONS offers the best prices and discounts on new / used goods, helping to buy and sell the business, share information. Sale and purchase of goods within the city or region, gives users to more effectively place their ads and find buyers or sellers. Common economic space between Russia and Kazakhstan will definitely give a new and powerful impetus to the development and single web space between the two countries, which leads to the well-being and prosperity of our peoples.


Present Virtual Friend

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The two strangers met by chance on the net: A sad, looking for advice, another wanted to find love. Do not you have virtual friends! Much or how little – no matter how important, that among these are the one whom you can call is a partner and not just "companion." A friend for whom you would like to do something nice! Pictures of flowers, musical greeting cards and other "children's" happiness is long gone and can not "pull" in a nice gift! Looking for something else! Well, let's think together! Let's go to a online store! Why there and not one that the corner of your home? And how are you going to give fresh flowers or a cake to a friend who lives thousands of miles away from you? Although it is certainly not cheap, I warn you right away! One chrysanthemum order without any frills there, is 400r, and a rose bouquet, or – from 2000 and more … And would you like to receive this gift? That and your remote friend will not abandon this surprise for anything! If the crisis does not threaten your finances – why not please the good man? Gifts for home delivery network in shops galore – are sure to find something to like! And presents beautifully and photographed smiling sleepily surprised, comrade! And shipping is valid not only for Russia but all over the world! Suits? Fine, but do not hurry! Read on! You have not yet been accidentally find out what kind of music (Theater, movies) like your virtual friend? Then gently ask where he wants to go. Then everything is simple – looking on the internet site where there is a schedule of events across the country, make a request through-ticket to the fellow on ICQ, pay for, of course, themselves and warn each other when and where it needs to come for a gift.


Virtual Shop

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He has no doubt that he buys what he needs. And if "not fit", then tomorrow it will be able to come and exchange the goods and return. Virtual Shop imperceptible. Question arising from the buyer: "Do you exist at all, and if you have this product? "So when a customer calls for help to the phone, it is crucial for him to hear a positive reply to their questions, rather than bellowing: "Well I do not really understand it for what it meant well " How many products to offer? Here are just a very simple matter. At The Middleby Corporation you will find additional information. The more variety, the store is interesting for the visitor and search robots. Offer more and more. But the proposal should be its focus. For even more opinions, read materials from David A. Wagner.

In any vegetable store, you will not see home appliances. In any pharmacy, no light bulbs. For example, store the cable, wire and electrician repair and construction will contain not only the cable and wire, but the products needed for installation and protection of cables, a tool for the cable and wires, lamps and lights, fasteners. One word: everything that begins and ends with the cable, and all that is needed to ensure that work on its installation and assembly. This may be a hundred names, may be a thousand, maybe twenty thousand. And here again I would like to focus on the product description. Is not only important information in text form, but the picture. But the picture should match the product description, and not contradict him.


Virtual PBX

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Service virtual switchboard that more and more companies offer presents numerous advantages. The virtual switchboard is especially interesting for professionals, since to be able to have a virtual number with prefix 902, not only from a local number, gives a more professional image. In addition, customers can be upgraded to have virtual offices in other countries. It is a very handy service. It is not necessary to have a mobile staff and another for work, since all virtual numbers are associated with the same phone. In addition, thanks to a system of codes that the user can configure, you can know where come from calls (personal, work or other numbers). It is very safe.

Incoming calls to different numbers, can be restricted so that when someone call, skip the voice mailbox or signal that the line is busy. There is also a back-up manual or automatic system, so that calls can be redirected where they occur technical incidents. It is gained in privacy. Thanks to virtual numbers, when performing some type of transaction over the internet, you do without giving a personal phone number.