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Brides Visa

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Tatjana!!! We are with my young man want to get married, he's German. A number of relevant documents, we are both prepared. I went to Germany on a Schengen visa, but it gave me a week. We then extended it to 2.5 months in the hope of getting married, but in the registry office, we were told that I have a document is not correct and we should do it again. I am now in Russia. Us with another registrar explained that it was better to go to Germany on a visa wedding, because This is important if we are going to get married, is it true it? And it was a piece of paper Bestatigung to the Consulate. Now I did Termin on August 5, all the documents I have from the groom and his party, too. I just frightens the process.

In Moscow, I have no one (I live in Cheboksary – 650km). I do not know for some instances to go and how to properly fill out the paper. I was told that in Moscow many times have to travel, is it true? How long it lasts? German I know that I will not say perfect, but I can communicate. And separation is killing. Who I can do everything on the 'steps' to explain what follows what, and what should I be ready? Why should I worry? Tatjana85356 The site says the consulate, how to get to the consulate in Moscow. From metro station Vernadsky bus service, see a number.

Look at the map, if you have time and can be reached on foot. You print the forms in advance and fill the house, it's easy. If anything, ask on the forum. About 2 months to wait for a visa, although in every case. Then will need more time to go to Moscow. Or, enter into a contract with DHL for delivery of passport (60 euros), they sit in the same room where you will take the docks for a visa.


Local Development

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One of the greatest challenges for society and the economy of this new century will be, without a doubt, foster the growth and development of the social and economic structures of local scope, address the increasingly more chaotic globalized system that strives to be consolidated. Globalization is an essentially economic process which consists in the increasing integration of the different national economies in a single global capitalist market. The modes of production and capital movements are configured globally, while Governments and social movements are losing powers and capabilities. This process, as you can see at present, generates damages and inequalities to the society as a whole because this new model, we might call real capitalism globalized, is opposed to the classical abstraction of the capitalist model that the free market would prevail, and perfect competition would impose order, would prevent abuses and ensure efficiency in the allocation of resources. Markets are abducted by the monopolies, by small and medium-sized companies, traditionally generating quality jobs to use greater investment in labor than in capital as multinationals, are forced to abandon this distorted market. Therefore, the institutional political, social or economic premises have less weight real in the decisions of its members, why by can not articulate defense mechanisms that protect them.

Other effects that we already started to notice these global capitalitas markets are migratory movements to which poverty and wars drive to leave their home areas to survive, with the constant claim of fierce consumerism announced by global media every time. Standards of living in many countries of the world are too low to meet the basic needs of a dignified life, to which all human beings (we are told constantly) have right. There is no doubt that the construction of global markets corresponds to the interests of the global companies that are undermining the sovereignty of the countries in concerning economic, social, and political decisions but what can you do? Firstly, the society as a whole should articular control mechanisms which do not allow the mass destruction of working capital, from planetary raw materials, or the influence of multinationals within the world social and political order and the primacy of private property rights and freedoms of the world’s population.



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The desire to share normally is in the majority of people mainly when we are with the joy and satisfaction of having new knowledge, ideas, and goals. Once we realize has that something has worked for us then we felt the need to communicate it and that’s good, but we must always be attentive to the way in which people go observing and processing information. To achieve big goals is a task that is above all to overcome himself and for that we have had to defeat a series of myths and limiting beliefs that we acquire through many years, usually this is not a simple task. Andrew Corentt tells us in the book I’m happy, I’m rich that when people are ready to change your interest is remarkable and unconsciously seeking the answers to his own life, this may feel. But you must be clear that preferences are different even if what you do feel that it is the right thing, do not press people, do not try to impose their ideas, to the Bible it is clear that the has ears to hear, then you are willing to help those who really want to.

Through reading the book I am happy, I am RICO of ANDREW CORENTT you will manage to have mastery of each circumstance in his life, will be able to understand the forces that drive the universe, will be able to eradicate for ever all the limiting beliefs that have kept it tied to a single point of perception and reality creation, to follow the appropriate processes for success you generate for your life enormous expectations in your subconscious mind. One of the elements of happiness is to understand the diversity of thoughts, emotions, professions, physics, etc. When we go to the Woods we see different plants and animals, all form part of the balance that is why when a species disappears it creates imbalance. There are people who insist on a single universal idea that’s impossible!, in reality the power of God’s creation is manifested in everything, you must find your own current and do wonderful things with his life and those who want to share your line of thought. Remember that when you nothing against the current is hurting, there are ideas that are changing course, but these changes take a long time, and not up to us making them applicable us change ourselves and contribute something useful to this life, what you do give it better, always look for excellence. To achieve bliss your life must be balanced, avoid judging others, if you see them is because creating are yours, if he screams, gets angry, or curses someone yourself, do only all beliefs tell us. Happiness is only in you, why define what you want in your heart, no one else can do it, when he has it clear in his mind, pursues that dream, look for the realization of his life and when he achieves it help others that are in line with your own being, you’ll see as your life becomes a unique experience, no doubt you can do it, the opportunity is in your hands now use it!



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I just watch and listen to a tartajeante Cisneros, talking about things that neither known nor practised as balance, veracity and Center and all a series of ideas and concepts caked in a brief and hollow discursito who wrote him, a text which obviously had not read before facing the cameras and was not able to read correctly from the teleprompter; I would have liked to see the unedited version that mentioned and discussed in some forums, although I acknowledge that I didn’t see any signal that was such editing. In the increasingly decreased spacing allowed the independent, in a Venezuela that still faced media, what is the role of a TV channel? The response, which could disappoint the ends of both sides is that it must entertain, provide information and reporting news in the most balanced and objective way that is possible in very difficult circumstances. Unfortunate actions of a bad author, felt even that mess many things just name them sorry Mr. Cisneros, the evidence of his interested falsehood is overwhelming and your support at many levels the Government is more than evident; Please, do not ask for an exalted anti-Chavez channel that no contribution nothing but scandals, fears and aggressions but certainly not accept dragged and censored channel that contributes nothing to nobody to the reds or Blues as you said Venevision has tried to locate in the Democratic Centre and suffers for that reason attacks, slander and other ballistic basement of both sides and that is why is that I speak today. You ask, with Venevision who is? Well, the answer is with all Venezuela. We are located in a center of commitment, in a centre that advances a policy of balance. Television is the screen itself and not the sides of the screen in a football game, the red team adversely to the blue team on the Court.


Enterprise Gateway

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It has well-designed processes that allow you to respond immediately to the highly competitive environment. 3. It makes radical innovation of the strategic processes of the organization. 4. Search for high impact results.

5. Design new processes and changes runs it in their complex technological, human and organizational dimensions. It provides business management revolution, since managers have considered it as a viable alternative to cause major changes in organizations, which contribute to grow and give immediate response to sudden changes in environment, to be competitive and at the forefront; always satisfying the needs and expectations of customers. Do now, how all this favours quality and productivity? In this regard, indicates Ruiz in his analysis, whereas the before exposed, reengineering considerably supports the quality management and productivity since according to the Enterprise Gateway (1992 and 1994), the implementation of reengineering in organizations serves to achieve strategic, as well as being competitive goals, increase profitability and the participation in the market. Reengineering favors to the management of quality and productivity, since it directly affects on the complete redesign and innovation of new processes, for this is supported in redesign and automation with technology innovation that allows you to improve efficiency to generate products and services at a lower cost, saving all the resources inherent in the process, to reduce amount of wastegenerating products of good quality to the client and at the same time we are significantly improving productivity. Similarly if we manage to be productive with quality, we are improving our profitability as an organization; This last, is necessary to determining the generation of performance indicators that allow to measure our efforts, know how has been our evolution, compare ourselves and at the same time establish corporate goals. Not the slightest doubt, that reengineering guarantees great benefits to the company, especially the optimization of results giving way to get products profitable, satisfactory, besides that they are guaranteed for quality and benefits in the management of their costs in its applicability. * Aulavirtual Faces.