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The problem is that even such simple recipes are often beyond the field view Volgograd firms. – How much does market research? – This is equivalent to the question – how much is a kilogram of food? Answer simply can not. Consider the process of pricing. 90% of quantitative research takes the form of survey. The unit of survey is one of the respondents. Typically, a sample of Volgograd is 600-800 people.

The unit of account is a questionnaire. The cost of $ 02.03 a questionnaire This includes not only the cost of survey, but also reproduction, development tools, layout, data input into an electronic database, checking 10% of respondents addresses, etc. Qualitative research is evaluated differently. Jack Fusco takes a slightly different approach. If the quantitative studies, we analyze responses in general, here it is important to understand the point of view and motivations of a single person, as a representative of the target group. The cost of such a study is determined, above all, the marketing value of information and complexity of the technology of its receipt. Very often, qualitative research conducted by the focus groups. Their cost is about 1,5 – 2 thousand dollars – Tell me more about the focus groups.

– Talk about focus groups occurs when the client does not need quantitative and qualitative characteristics. For example, it is necessary to test new packaging designs simple foods (butter, mayonnaise, etc.) among housewives. The survey in this case to hold meaningless, it is important to understand what is behind the energy brand.