8 Alternatives To Extending Early Bird Deadlines

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Last month s article called 5 reasons need To Extend Your Early Bird Pricing Period advised against extending early bird deadlines to encourage people to register for your events and promised to come up with a list of alternatives. Last month’s article called “5 reasons need To Extend Your Early Bird Pricing Period” advised against extending early bird deadlines to encourage people to register for your events and promised to come up with a list of alternatives. We have put together our list of ideas and so invite you to send US some of your own ideas. Anyone who sends US to idea will be entered into a draw for a coffee card and with your permission we will publish any unique ideas along with your name in our next newsletter. See below for the details. 8 alternatives To Extending Early Bird deadlines When You need more registration reinforce the benefits of attending your event. Highlight different benefits when you send out registration reminders.

Be sure to write these benefits in a way that appeal to the demographic you want are marketing to. For example, promoting that the conference is next to a world class golf course won’t be a benefit unless most of your group are avid golfers. Pick up the phone and make a sales call. It can be time consuming, but the payoff can be big. Start recorder for your last event by calling the people who, but haven’t registered for the current one. They list probably have it on their to do, but remind them why they should register today.

Maybe you can even their details into the enter online form while you have them on the phone to secure the registration right away. Reveal new details about the event in each registration reminder. Rather than repeating the same information in your reminders to register, let people in on some of the new details such as surprise guests, newly added workshops, or door prize announcements.