Commerce Guide

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The dealer get in the course of the survey itself, as well as by the results. valuable tips on how they can improve their marketing and Web Analytics and optimisation in the future” The survey is available at the following URL: online marketing of E-Commerce Guide, as well as the recent survey are supported by the Federal Ministry of education and research, the Federal Association of service providers for online providers e.V., the Federal Association of German shipping trade, as well as numerous Chambers and associations. Dealers who participate in the survey, find out more about current opportunities in the areas of marketing and Web-controlling and receive a free summary of the study results on request. This allows them to compare their current level of development in the different topics with other dealers. As a small thank you, five printed copies of the current E-Commerce Guide, as well as five year subscriptions of the e-commerce magazine and an annual subscription to the Internet world business will be raffled among the participants.

“” The most important information about the survey at a glance: survey within the project E-Commerce Guide “title: marketing and Web-controlling trends and developments from the dealer perspective conclusion of the survey: December 12, 2010 time duration of the survey approximately 15-20 minutes URL: online marketing information to the Guide: information about the partner Consortium: press and media area: about the project E-Commerce Guide”: to give answers to the main questions related to e-commerce, a consortium has been consisting of eleven leading solution providers and research and consulting Institute, ibi research at the University of Regensburg joined together. Atrada atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce bundle in this project their expertise and their experience, to put together the most important information for online retailers and those who want to become, together with ibi research in easily understandable and concise form. More information: about ibi research: since 1993, which forms a bridge between University and practice ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH. The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of “financial services in the information society”. ibi research works on the fields of E-business, IT governance, Internet sales and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results. Since January 2009 is ibi Research carrier of E-Commerce competence centre Eastern Bavaria in the framework of the network of e-commerce (NEG) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi).

More information: ibi research is pleased about the royalty-free reprint of this press release. After completing the study we will inform you about the results of the survey. If interested in more information, articles etc, please contact: E-Commerce Guide Dr. Georg Wittmann c/o ibi research at the University of Regensburg Galgenberg Bergstrasse 25 93053 Regensburg phone: 0941 943-1901 fax: 0941 943-1888 email: