Technology Drywall

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Be careful when marking, to coincide with the holes in the concrete wall should be as accurate as possible. Apply glue on a sheet of drywall with a notched trowel. Of Technology, recommended to be on the perimeter, plus one – two lanes in the middle. But best of all leaf so will have more opportunities to balance it. Set the sheet to the wall on a lining (a couple of pieces of drywall the same should be fine), pull the wire ends through the holes. Do not press down list directly to the wall, first straighten. Drywall must align with the rules, applying it to the list, and where you can see that the plaster sticks – press down harder, and so on throughout the list.

Similarly, all other sheets kleite. When the glue hardens, the lining must be removed. How to handle drywall I have already described in the beginning of this section, no differences in general, no, except that the bevel to remove is not necessary, because the horizontal joints with a liner there, and on Vertical already have factory-thinning, it is enough. So go to the next method. Method of cladding number two. If the wall is less than equal, for example, not concrete, and brick, you have to align it with using a thicker layer of glue. In preparing the walls significantly different from the above methods do not, just under the wire to Stroebe, drilled under the sockets and switches, and naturally primed. But the glue on sheetrock should be applied, first, the other (as a rule – "Perlfiks"), and secondly, by other means.