The Material

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But for a professional laying, sanding, sanding and varnishing of parquet, respectively, to professional equipment, worth no small cost. In connection with the above, I would like to warn all who among this mass of proposals is looking for one single matching. Looking for a price! This approach most cases end with a complete reworking of the work provided cheaply. And in the end the bitterness of loss of money and time will be much greater than the joy of low price. Why parquet? Many at the time of the choice of floor covering question and ask: "What's all the same to select the form of a coating of the same sex?". Recommended all the same stops on the floor. A total mass of materials for floor coverings on the market, any knowledgeable people clearly made its choice in favor of the parquet, and here's why: – long-lasting finish.

– Possibility to restore (tsiklevat, grinding) on several times to several tens of times, depending on the thickness of the shell. – ability to perform periodic polishing (recovery of novelty) varnish special Polish-pastes. – The ability to quickly change the color tone (shading). This list can go on pretty long, but the most common question for most is: "What's the best flooring or laminate?" and here the answer is simple – just parquet! Compared with any laminate flooring has a number of advantages. Firstly, the most important difference Laminate flooring from this eco-friendliness. Who would not say, but the laminate is not such that, for many is the key to choosing the material for flooring.