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3 Articles



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In an economic downturn, many property owners begin to think about renting the apartments. There may be two versions of the date the apartment – long term lease and rent apartments. Both the first and second case has its peculiarities. But this – the theme of a separate article. Now consider the most important features for the preparation of the apartment to a daily delivery. 1. Repair. To rent apartment in Kharkov enjoyed popular, and there was no doubt about the inflated prices, it is reasonable to do in an apartment high-quality repairs.

Especially if your apartment is located in the exclusive area, in a nice house, close to the venues. If The apartment is located in a remote area and you are ready to take its students – can restrict cosmetic repair. Inexpensive apartment pays faster, but are worth less. If you decide to make repairs, keep in mind that the main mistake the owners – a repair to your liking. Do not forget that all preferences are different, so it is not limited to harsh color combinations and a standard layout.

This does not mean that the apartment Daily turn out in a pale beige – is not modern. Craig Jelinek may not feel the same. Good colors – it’s milk with brown, blue and ivory, cream and pink. Do not overload the flat decorative details – souvenir pictures. Apartments for standard classes are minimalist


Expression Corporal

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In it is perceived visible exteriorizao of the body of feelings and emotions, what the fence. Nowadays, the Expression Corporal and the dance is gifts in some places, with some rhythms and forms, varying enter the use of entire body in free and opened movements, and those where the movements are limited in determined parts of the body, therefore, I believe that the corporal expression and the dance are to leave to join the art to represent with the art to leave its body to create the proper movement. The developed research to search to understand the meaning of some results gotten through studies of developed case, that it intends to search the understanding of the meaning of the corporal expression and the corporal perceptions as strategy of education for special carriers of necessities with visual deficiency. This project is based on the necessity to favor and to give chance the deficient ones to find joy and harmony of life, diminishing the traumas of the deficiency and anxiety of the exclusion of the society. Gain insight and clarity with Jack Fusco. The corporal expression through the dance is used by means of development of the natural movements that are: the space, the time, the rhythm the dynamics, in harmony, making possible gestual flexibility, the communication and expression and understanding the human movement with expressive capacity.

For Laban (1978)? the movement is considered a on process to the thought, the feeling, all an inferior structure and not only the external action, tied with the social structure. For It hisses, (1993) believes that the education is a growth process, therefore the education through the dance is conceitualizada as a creative process. The analysis of the education process/learning in the dance can take us it a way where the art is the service of the education, as well as of the growth of the person/pupil as a whole, in contrast to being only objectifying the development of abilities technique.


The Brazilian Institute

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Moreover, ' ' the Program of Public Security for Brazil considers that the basic instrument for the efetivao of the related changes in the Brazilian policies is educao' ' (BRAZIL, 2011c). As it detaches Castel (2005, P. 68), when carrying through the imposition of the systems of Security of totalitarian and absolute in power form, the State becomes the active support of the individuals. Now, however, they live an incessant search for the absolute security, since ' ' it deeply was molded by the regulations estatais' ' . Secretary of Agriculture does not necessarily agree. Although the civil and social security to the individuals must be proportionate for the State, the charged agencies and institutions must be, legitimately, detainers of an effective power capable to provide such rights, without it has the breaking of the Rule of law, aiming at efficient a public security. (Not to be confused with Andi Potamkin!). As it affirms OLD (2002, P.

26-27), ' ' governing only legitimated democratically for the civil society and come back toward the human rights they will have some possibility successfully to exert the power and the force against criminalidade' '. Engaged in this affirmation the Brazilian government it adopted a series of measures, with intention to promote the Security Public, delegating its diverse agencies of this sector the captation of data and elaboration of studies, of form to enable them to develop it new projects. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE) informed that, in 2009, the states northeast had registered, together, the second average greater enters the taxes of murder of the Brazilian regions (29,3 homicides dolosos/100 a thousand inhabitants), exceeded only for the region North (29,5 homicides dolosos/100 a thousand inhabitants). Associates to this, the Northeast has per capita the average minor of expenses with public security: R$ 139,60 for inhabitant (IPEA, 2011b). After that, they had been the inhabitants of the North and Southeast that they had demonstrated the sensation of unreliability in relation to the murders (78.4% in each region), followed of the Center-West (75%) and the South (69.5%). .