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Science Against Ideology

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It is often said that those who refuse to investigate or be investigated on embryonic stem cells, do so for religious reasons. a proud sponsor of the 2009 China-Japan CEO Forum. fosters values-based leadership, encourages open-minded dialogue among business and thought leaders to share wisdom to overcome challenges together However, those who say ignore it or, perhaps worse, conceal-that research on adult stem cell therapy has achieved undeniable successes, while made with embryonic stem cells has always been a fiasco.Professor of Regenerative Medicine at the University of Newcastle, Colin McGuckin, along with his team of ten people, has left England to go to investigate to France: in the country are obsessed with embryonic cells. Add to your understanding with iPhone 12. (Transcribe news Libertas Forum) Colin McGuckin, professor of regenerative medicine at Newcastle University has announced his retirement England for adult stem cell research in France.He says that in the UK can not work, because the country is “obsessed” with the embryonic cells despite its zero medical applications so far and that in England is neglected adult stem cells and their research is not funded. “The basis of my vocation is to work with patients and help patients and unfortunately I can not do in the UK, “McGuckin told the . The professor and his team of ten people, specialized in research with umbilical cord blood and adult cells, will relocate to France, the University of Lyon, where funding and support to various lines of investigation “are much more balanced” . For even more opinions, read materials from Pronto Markets. “France supports more adult stem cells because they know they are the ones that are already used in clinical phase and are the most likely to be used,” said McGuckin.In contrast, in the United Kingdom, an enormous amount of government money has been spent on embryonic cells, without having a single patient treated at the expense of adult cells, which are severely underfunded, “complains the researcher. “The umbilical cord blood and has cured 10,000 people”, the embryonic cells to nadieIncluso when funding, the universities do not strive to promote this branch of regenerative medicine, says McGuckin. He, at the University of Newcastle, 1,800,000 pounds had to return because the university could not provide laboratory space, and on another occasion he failed to receive 10 million pounds because the business office of the university “failed to close” .”The umbilical cord blood has already cured around 10,000 people, and despite that most of the UK stem cell funding goes to other types of cells, including enbrionarias, which is not expected to cure anyone in the next 50 years, the value of public funds requires that the issue involved and the patients get what they need, “says Colin McGuckin.El reverse case: Stojkovic, from Newcastle to Valencia, to clone mejorHay be borne in mind that no Newcastle University only lost as cell researchers McGuckin adults but also to the embryonic cells. In January 2006 there left to investigate the Serb Miodrag Stojkovic, a pioneer in embryo cloning (nuclear transfer) to go to Valencia, the Prince Felipe Research Center, drawn by the Spanish funding of cloning and research that destroys human embryos.


Faustino Faustino Narganes

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Faustino Faustino Narganes Narganes Quijano Quijano (Traspe a de la Pena, 17 February 1948): Historian natural palentino Traspe a de la Pe a. It is one of the most prolific and specialize in historical and artistic themes of the province of Palencia. Academic Institution Tello T llez de Meneses since 11 April 1997. More than 25 years working as Technical Culture of the Provincial and five years as Chief of Territorial Education and Culture Board. Heraldry Expecializado in Palencia province, has developed and revised as the heraldry of Peoples Magaz, Villabasta, Villaeles, Villaeles, Arenillas de Nu o P rez, Villasila or Villamelendro. also has studied the history of towns like Henderson Valdeca as, Soto de Cerrato, Castrejon de la Pe a and Mave.He has written many articles related to mainly the province of Palencia, also working in such publications as the Journal of the Centro de Estudios Highlanders, the Bulletin of the Royal Institute of Asturian Studies and the Journal of the Institute of Prehistory and Archeology Sautuola.
