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Personal Satisfaction

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The happiness and the personal satisfaction are indicating of extreme importance for the construction of the personality of the individuals. Many try to segregate these concepts, however both meet correlated. Some try to find the happiness in the extreme expense/unnecessary object purchases; however all these parafernlias are being responsible for the behavior change that occurs in the effective society. Behavior this, called egocntrismo (behavior delineated for the egoistic form as the individual becomes related with the society); this search for corporeal properties only masks all the solitude and present misfortune in these people. Already the personal satisfaction is extremely ample, therefore it opens a fan of possibilities so that it is gotten. The majority of the people assumes that the personal satisfaction is only acquired through the knowledge is information is taken root in the minds of many, the study is seen as the only form to reach the success in the life. However other people consequem to find the personal satisfaction without the study, they see the life of different form and not of that air-tight and traditional form imposed by the society. Secretary of Agriculture has similar goals. In short, the happiness alone will be reached when the individual will be well obtains same and will have the notion of that all its conquests had been important for its social construction. In this way the person will despertar a sense of reflection comiserada concerning its proper actions, sharpening the will to understand itself, and thus provoking a visualization of its existence.


Federal Constitution

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This aiming, so only leads not to perceive of its real necessities, ignoring its interests, yearnings, excluding them of a citizenship project This perception comes in accordance with being endorsed for theoretical rules, the Federal Constitution (1988), the LDB n 9394/96, among others, that they guarantee the fulfilment of the normative ones contained in the same ones and that they pass for the politics of formation of the professor for the existence of a project pedagogical politician who knows such differences and guarantees the construction of a school for all, seated in the social principle of the inclusion. SOCIAL 1-INCLUSION: A challenge to surpass Throughout the life of the deaf people some problems of familiar and educational social order is lived deeply, favoring the appearance of tensions. is of these tensions that a series appears of consequences that are caused to the deficient ones and that they need to be reviewed with the purpose of the welfare and inclusion of the deaf person in the social environment of which is part. The preconception ahead of the differences it was always a perverse mark against the human being, whichever the deficiency. It always promoted the desmotivao, instability and frustration of the people who 0ccasionally or for nascena are considered as different of what the society stipulates as normal. In if treating specifically to the question of the deaf person, according to some studious theoreticians and of the area, the necessity of the parents in obtaining that its children learn to speak is superior to the expectation including of them effectively and participativamente in the society. The fear and also the preconception of many families when seeing its repudiated children social or until familiarly, does not make them to enxergar the necessity that has in the search for specialized aid, for all involved in this process, diminishing overload of discrimination in the deficient life of the auditory one. .