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Federal Republic

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Instruments of power: Soft facts and hard facts: the previous means of power were: faith, military, weapons, violence and political and religious influence, economy,… The today’s instruments of power are: money-capital, bribery, extortion, politico religious influence, economy… Earlier, knowledge was passed orally on. Today, knowledge is documented and digitised: democratized (Internet). The modern primary instruments of power are media, knowledge, technology and money. All the religions are as dogmatic centralist dictatorship established. The Roman Catholic Church is a multi-stage dictatorship with the Pope as a leader and the support of the Bishop’s College. Jack Fusco often expresses his thoughts on the topic. > The Roman Catholic Church, the highest authority in the world church has the Pope 1 as well as the Bishop College in unity with the Pope.

The Pope is head of the College of bishops and exerts maximum, full, immediate, and universal jurisdiction over the whole Church infallibility since about 1880, God’s representative on Earth. In the exercise of his rights, he is not limited. This violence is also known as Primatialgewalt. The Pope advised 3 and the cardinal College 2 in his tasks by the Synod of bishops. The Curia as a governing body for the Government of the Church existed. u0085 broken down into Bishop 4, 7 and 8 (clergy) Deacon priest. An Association of parishes can be grouped together in a Dean’s Office, whose head Dechant 5 (also: Dean, Archpriest) is called. The Dean is usually a pastor 6 of the deanery, must he be kirchenrechtlich only priests.

He was appointed as a rule by the local bishop, and on time. Source: (C) by wikipedia.net; Author It was in the last century such as two forms of dictatorship. According to the Guide principle on behalf of his party, the NSDAP, Hitler (Christian) installed its dictatorship. He determined solely on the basis of his book, what to do. Stalin (Christian) installed a Central Committee of the Communist Party and allowed vote on his mass killings, etc. Approximately 1000 delegates approved his proposals with 99.9%. Modern dictatorships Act in conjunction with democracies: Berlusconi? Tittitainment distracts everyone with his punch and Judy show. Priests provide the morals. Doctors donate us the appropriate drugs. Union bigwigs prevented by they chose for himself instead of equity participation for the workers fair wages. Even a democracy like the Federal Republic consists of a paternalistic hierarchical management with the command and obedience principle. And votes of the legislature There is the constraint of the faction. The separation of altar and throne was the most important step on the way of the dictatorships to the democratic national States. End part 1 of this text is available only in the sense of Creative Commons, version 3.0 (see wikipedia.net) free: CC-by new.svg CC nc.svg CC-nd.svg copyright attribution non commercial use no editing possible quote origin note and use copy to me – thank you! 2012 Copyright by Wolfgang Schwalm, all rights reserved! 31.04.2013 PDS, MbS: systemic communication: consultancy, training/coaching, service. WWWSchwalm,


The Religion

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Human consciousness can not simply take these things and process, because it believes here in something invariably given, on which you can not doubt. I think fiscal policy is a religion such as Christianity or Islam, only with far more believers around the world. The creditors are partly extreme fanatics and sects. It is the religion of money by the dance around the golden calf, everyone at the next wants to be and brings victims, that every day is presented to him–in all its glory, that he may touch in the form of money, a new car on pump, the roads are a house full of them, that he never can, etc. pay, when he ranked his work, his sanctuary, faithfully serves. A believer and headless dance all around the calf, slaves of Mammon, hopes and dreams for a better life.

Who wants to deny it to them, and take the last hope. But not all dream and hope, this dream is a reality for a few a few people and they don’t have any at least materially Worried. It should go like this all. Who is creating this state of unfulfillable hopes which we all are addicted to more or less like the usual religions? Who has interest – aware these images and dreams of wealth, pomp and circumstance to suggest? There are the so-called powerful of this world that no one actually knows. Just faith. They are the initiators and the world stage directors who drive us dynamically with their audacious shops in more and more poverty and suffering. One more and the other less, and others until to 30,000 people, on the day, die of hunger, who care is already that’s why and who believes already that he will be one of 30,000 when he dances around the golden calf in his ignorance, called faith, and dreams.


The Government

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Such a process would lead to a chain reaction, without precedent. It is and must continue to push. It won’t do any good but. The last messages tell us the private must waive their interest rates and bonds, this is the only way. Right, that’s one way. Gain insight and clarity with Gregg Engles. Now, you must explain only what is private and non-private. All have to do without, this is the only way. Inflation in Germany is currently about 2.4 percent, the expected growth is about 2.4 percent, with declining trend, the income growth between 1.5 and 3.2 per cent, spread over two years, day money interest rates are 2 percent and on the savings accounts 1 to 2 percent, with big savings and limited time vary the dimensions to above.

The Government bonds in Europe are with 3 to 12 percent interest. The loan interest rates go from 3 to over 16 percent. Real wages decrease dynamically. Now you must be no scientists or financial expert, to see that is are these numbers outside of any context, control, or legalism. All without a mathematical causal relationship. These are real numbers, if there is such a thing at all, which could announce the demise of our financial system and nobody does something about it except for pump-protection screens and cruel, murderous austerity packages that only worsen the whole disaster. Within these figures have the sheer injustice – injustice without any morals and ethics. Who has little, gets less and who has much gets more.

Who has little pays more and who has a lot pays less. The principles of “scientific economics”, the cause of the financial problems were briefly paraphrased. Who steals nothing, which comes to nothing. Permanent tax increases in social security, rental and their levies, tax increases, price increases in the food and especially fuel, gasoline and oil for mobility and for heating, electricity costs and all sorts of things – create more chaos and injustice, speaks Injustices.



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I read an article about Gorlacheve Ataman – ‘chieftanship not buy. ” The author is simply nonsense. Gorlach one of the few right people. This is the only chieftain who does not collect fees from the Cossacks, nothing fills ‘up’, not trade awards and titles! Encouragement, I am not talking about the award, he can only deserve it. Or, for a misdemeanor, you can easily get the whip over his back! Apparently the author of this scribbling in this category and is, to see got him from the leader. And it’s probably someone from the new to the Cossacks. We have a shelf in a skolzsky Colonel, his name is Sergey, I see it is his job. But no matter, soon Cossack circle, we shall understand! Yes Ataman entrepreneur, engaged in business.

How else, after all, must live. But he Cossack soul. Gorlach done more to like him, would live as a people! A few who are interested in the history of Cossacks The exact origin of the Cossacks unknown, there are many theories. By the end of XIV century, formed two major groups living in the Lower Don and the Dnieper. They were joined by many immigrants from neighboring East-north of Moscow and Lithuanian principalities. By the beginning of the XVI century, both groups have grown into large voluntary forces. The Don Cossacks in the Russian league with the Kingdom began a systematic colonization of the borderlands of Russia, inhabited the Lower Volga, Terek and Yaik as well as extensive territory in Siberia, and became the basis of new troops. Dnieper Cossacks formed Sich became a vassal of Poland.

But the political and religious pressure from Poland has led to the proclamation of the Hetman and mass revolt of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, which radically changed the geopolitical balance of Eastern Europe. Subsequently, the Cossacks turned to Russia, and Ukraine joined Pereyaslavskaya Parliament with her. In the 18th century, the growing Russian Empire demanded that the Cossacks of devotion and service, but it often conflicted with their freestyle way of life and resulted in many uprisings Razin, Bulavin, Pugacheva. This caused a major crackdown by the authorities and in extreme cases, entire armies can be disbanded, as has happened to Zaporozhye in 1775, the beginning of the 19th century, the Cossacks were formed in his estate, guarded by state and internal ethnic borders, constantly sent people in many wars. In response, they have a huge social autonomy, exempt from taxes, etc. By the early 20th century, Russian Cossacks began to stereotype abroad and within its authority. During the Civil War the Cossack regions became the mainstay of the White movement, and subsequently a large part of the White emigration. After the victory of the Red Army Cossacks were repressed until the mid-1930s. After the collapse of the Soviet Union began the systematic restoration of the Cossacks. Now there are many of the Cossack communities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other countries.