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For Demon

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What it confers your teaching activity, based in its values, as it is placed in the world, its to know, you distress, desires, and the direction that is to be professor in its life, this next to its relations with other professors and other institutions. To be actor and author of its identity seems to express, or better, to load all the abrangncia that involves the being professor. Others including Debbie Staggs, offer their opinions as well. In this dynamic context, sped up that the world if presents, the professor has a giant challenge to construct and to keep its identity. For Demon (2004), the profession of the professor will be each valued time more, in function of the intensive society of the knowledge and also which had to the right to learn. An encouraging, important affirmation for the professional professor.

But that professional professor? That one that if really identifies as professor? That one that another one identity. As Demon (2004), all the professions suffer incontido consuming, if mainly inserted in the disrupitiva dynamics of the knowledge. the professor in special is whitened by this consuming. But at the same time it is the profession most promising, therefore the learning demand will go to increase, is a necessity of the society and thus the essential educator will be part for the future of the same one. Ahead of the reflection explored for Demon, one thinks that the professional, when making its choice for the docncia, will have to watch over for its> identity, to construct it continuously inside of a professor proposal personal who learns that he is in tune with the context which is inserted. Made use to breach with the traditional reproduction of the knowledge. to think about strategies as educator of this future society.


Individual Model

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Given these conditions, the potential customers are incapable to take decisions. Whenever music downloads listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Informed on the measure that will go to choose, they can be influenced by this stimulaton of commercialization. In recent months, Peet’s Coffee has been very successful. Some scholars affirm that in the way of this problem he exists all the attempts persuasion, a time that many times are placed in our sensorial way without permission, tacit and the strategical intentions of its desenvolvedores remain unknown. However, a basic distinction between collective marketing and other neuromarketing, is the tactics is that the old attempt of to change beliefs, attitudes and behaviors through the well-recognized ways, while second they are expert in attempts to set in motion the purchase for the emotions in the consumers. The Ethical Questions For the Individual Model of Persuasion – Neuromarketing The Individual Model of Persuasion of Neuromarketing espelha the possible ethical problems associates to the phase of analysis of the old models, however, the similarities to finish there.

A time that the fan of possible neural reactions is explored fully, the potential customers are displayed the stimulatons of marketing with the intention to create an individual profile for manipulation ends, being used a series of perfectioning of the persuasion attempts, that continuously are monitorizadas and registered. The first ethical quandary that if places inside of the intervention phase, is the concern if the consumers are conscientious and have assent for onipresente guided analysis/the personal exposition of marketing and its stimulatons. The worse scene involves the use of technologies in public neuroimagens, context where the consumers would be submitted its jobs and/or of its effect on the result of cerebral functioning decision taking. Such context it limits the free will of the consumer and violates the ethics rational, a time that a person never would go to choose to be manipulated. The following logic is the scene that allows to the awareness of accompaniment and development of the personalized marketing, using tactical and methods of the neurocincia and technologies without assent or truth.


The Discovery Of Mind

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The general trend is ontological reductions to a greater generality and objectivity and to the redefinition in terms of underlying causal processes. Consciousness is an emergent property of neurons activity, and gripped the consciousness is causally reducible to brain processes. But-and this is what seems most surprising – a complete science of the brain would not lead to an ontological reduction of consciousness in the same way that modern science can reduce heat, sound or sound "in his book" The Discovery of Mind, "after a detailed analysis of the different rates of reduction, John Searle presents his thesis about the irreducibility of consciousness. Their core argument can be summarized as follows: In the reductionism of science physis, the sequence logic seems to go in the direction of eliminating a phenomenon which, prima facie, we have a subjective-experiential knowledge (ie, "heat", "sound" "red", etc.), to finally unravel the underlying physical cause (ie, "average kinetic energy," "Train waves, "" wavelength, etc.). "Thus, from a pragmatic perspective, to get rid of the subjective component appariential charge seems to have no regard to the eventual benefit of having a theory that opens up the possibility of manipulating the factual phenomenon explained above. However, in line with the critique of the reductionism of Eddigton Hempel, nobody would think to argue that so now the heat, sound and red present in our everyday life have disappeared. However, according to Searle, when applying reductionism to conclude that awareness is nothing that neuronal activity, the weight of the conclusion seems to focus on having unmasked an illusion that made us believe in the existence of something when in fact was nothing. .


The Cartesian Interactionism

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There are several formulations of dualism. All have in common the assumption that the mental is something different from the physical and inherently irreducible to it. Basically, however, disagree as to: If the mind is an intangible substance or entity other than the brain or rather of that intangible property. If it is possible that the mind interacts with the brain and if so, whether the causality is bidirectional or unidirectional only. If the mental is an emergent property of biochemical or, conversely, is a basic attribute of a certain type of material types or entities Substance dualism Cartesian Interactionism Parallelism Radical Interactionism epiphenomenalism Properties Properties Properties PROPERTIES Emerging From Basic Dualism Substance Cartesian interactionist The Controversy Reflection “When considering carefully what I was and see that I could pretend that he had no body whatsoever and which would have no place whatsoever in which I found, but could not pretend why I was not, but rather, through what he thought of doubting the truth of the other things are still very true and obviously I was, while just stop thinking, if everything else would have imagined had been true, no longer had reason to believe that I was, I knew why I was a substance whose whole essence or nature is thinking, and does not need to be, any place or rely on any material thing. So I, ie the soul which I am what I am, is entirely distinct from the body and it is even easier to find him, and though the body were not, the soul would not be all that is “Speech Method, Part Four interactionist substance dualism: The Cartesian doctrine of two substances A consequence arising from the Cartesian thinking is the theory of the two substances..


The Direction

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However, the necessity nor always can be satisfied. It can be frustrated, or still, can be rewarded, that is, transferred to another object, person or situation. According to Bergamini (1997 pg.127). ' ' in terms psychological motivacionais, a reached objective is given credit that, that is, an accepted necessity, originates other objectives that, in turn, go to perpetuate the cycle motivacional.' ' In the case of frustration of the necessity, in the motivacional cycle, the tension provoked for the sprouting of the necessity finds a barrier or an obstacle for its release. Not finding exit normal, the tension dammed in the organism looks an indirect way of exit, for saw (aggressiveness, dissatisfaction, emotional tension, depression, auto-aggression psychological, etc), either for it saw physiological (nervous tension, sleeplessness, loss of the appetite, etc). Maslow presented a theory of the motivation, according to which the necessities human beings is organized and made use in levels, a hierarchy of importance and of they will influence. This hierarchy of necessities can be visualized as a pyramid. In the base of the pyramid they are the necessities most primitive (physiological necessities) and in the top, the necessities more refined (the auto-accomplishment necessities), each one of them with the following meanings. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Emmanuel Faber.

1. Physiological necessities: the necessities constitute the level lowest of all human beings, but of vital importance. In this level they are the physiological necessities of feeding are related with the survival of the individual and the preservation of the species. They are instinctive necessities, that already are born with the individual. They are the most pressing of all necessities human beings: when some of these necessities is not satisfied, it strong dominates the direction of the behavior. When all the necessities human beings are unsatisfied, the biggest motivation will be the satisfaction of the physiological necessities, and the behavior of the individual has the purpose to find alliviates of the pressure that these necessities produce on the organism.


Human Spiritual Development

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Highly educated people, as opposed to higher education because higher education and higher education is not the same thing. Higher education does not guarantee higher education. Therefore, the ninth house indicates namely the high level of education, rather than on higher education. The level of human spiritual development. Moral, cultural and ethical criteria of the person. The system of human values in life, starting point, the scale of measurement life values. For more information see The Middleby Corporation. Search for meaning of human life.

Personal philosophy of life of man. Human imagination about the world, the universe and the universe as a whole. Long trips and long journeys rights. Communicate with foreigners and attitude towards foreign cultures, foreign ethnic groups. Life abroad and emigration. Reading books of large volume (as opposed to the third house – – newspapers and magazines) and the study of sciences and scientific publications. Attitude to publishing.

Contacts with white magic, as opposed to contacts with black magic going on the eighth house. The probability of prophetic abilities and prophetic dreams. Relationships with mentors, teachers, especially spiritual. Relations with the clergy. Expansive human activities, the conquest of new spaces, territories and countries.


The Train

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Moreover, the train of the life if always puts into motion in direction to the current one, now, the immediate one. It is the time happening. This is the time that we have stops modifying in them, for surpasses, to evolve; if we do not make it, the problem will be alone ours and who will pay the price for the stubbornness, will be we ourselves. It gives attention! When connecting our psychological time to the past in the attempt to modify something that already happened, then imodificvel; we take off of us the possibility to use to advantage the new we lose and it forever, since the train of the life does not stop and nor of the march reverse speed. Care! To if arresting in the passed time, we start to manage our life in function of this time and as the real time does not stop, the time of real life that we will go to leave of living will be directly proportional to the psychological time or virtual prisoner to the past.

Therefore, if to be imprisoned years to our psychological time past, trying to fix it or to give new a meaning to it; this attitude, in relation to the train of the life, will mean that years of our life had been transferred that we nor if want we take knowledge. Beyond not adjusting this past we lose years of our gift. Alert! As we only have to be able on our time psychological, for some people it is more easy to cultuar the last time of what to live the present time. They use the reason to justify attitudes, behaviors, thoughts irrationals. the past such which a vampire drinks our gift. To reflect: To live the life alone with the eyes in the past, means that we are motionless in relation to the psychological time, but in relation to the time of the train of the life, not.