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Profile Management

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Feel and see with great concern, as business schools of national universities have not been seriously concerned about what should be the profile of the graduate in the country demand management to ensure proactive participation, beneficial towards the business sector deteriorated. Remain the same programs, not adapted to the needs of current demand scenarios to ensure that companies, organizations, one that will encourage competitive participation in support of its mission, vision. Maintain a curriculum anchored in time, not to own modifications, changes to the national stage, for example, the Venezuelan has generated, the product of a new government that has led to decisive changes in the political culture of the Venezuelan people, influencing course economically in the business sector, especially in private, never was used to take place within a socialist ideology.

The actions of the new Socialist government in the definition as to usher in what has been called revolution Bolivarian generated actions which significantly affect the organizational behavior of companies, their culture, mission, structures, leading to the universities, especially those in business schools, diagnose, evaluate, what should be the administrator for this profile reality and take the feedback necessary actions to give way to new chairs, knowledge, promoting the development, participation of enterprises, organizations within the new model, in addition to the requirements of globalization, opening show of the old programs continue with subjects not accord with reality, with teachers not identified with these new changes, besides the lack of progress in tools, managerial expertise that have emerged, can not guarantee the formation of qualified professionals to face this reality, seriously damaging productive development of the business sector, which goes through bad times, because no prevention of events currently manifest..


Keeping Calm

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The courses were aimed at a group of 900 flight attendants, who as you know are the “bosses” of the cabin crew. Imagine for a moment, thousands and thousands of passengers who had seen these people throughout their professional experience. I wrote sending me all sorts of anecdotes and real situations that they had occurred while on duty. For the purpose of this course of brief psychotherapy online, I will put as a practical example of miscommunication, the following situation: A flight attendant is about to hand out to passengers the morning newspaper, when down the hall from a man demanding his attention by saying Miss, miss, economic news continues The crew calmly delivering newspapers, being interrupted from time to time from the bottom with an insistent – Miss … financial press as the situation continues until the crew member, two rows before reaching the gentleman, exclaims looking at a passenger, who was handing him a newspaper: it cheaper than this, that will cost you a penny All passengers heard her let out a big laugh and repeatedly requesting the business press put a Claim In principle this is a funny story and a cursory examination might think that this passenger had no sense of humor. If we look in more detail, we will see what has been said above that the stewardess “he forgot” 93% of communication.

Instead of laughing with the passenger, the passenger laughed. All this would have been avoided, if at first, when a passenger demanded it from the bottom, she had looked for a moment or had made a small gesture with his hand, sending non-verbal communication (93%) of “message received “(think of how much we hate it when in a bar, we asked the waiter for coffee and this, despite being very close, we do not send us any message seen or heard). I have another situation that represents the antithesis of the latter: LOCATION: Next to the gate was the hostess with a crewmate. When the last passenger came back loaded with lumps everywhere. When I was at the height of these two, it occurred to no one else looking at him, saying aloud that the changes are hard Passengers could not help laughing and he fell all the packages. In this case it is clear that the stewardess laughed along with the passenger (by linking with the look and tone of voice) and the result was very different from the previous.


GDP Power

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However, the reform of the taxation system was prepared according to the trends of the period time. Required to raise the country from crisis turmoil, combined budget, establish a system of taxation. Decisive support for the problem described razvyazaniya were only powerful companies. They were the first in-house mutate, they had a bet with the tax content of the budget based on them were isolated multiple challenges of Social Security. But put those years tax rates could be easily paid only by powerful corporations selling raw materials. With the introduction of regressive UST powerful companies stopped paying salaries to bypass the accounting department.

But this was possible only in large corporations, which receive higher fees, because they have a regressive scale, even at the moment effective UST rate for serious firms close to 2%, this small non-commodity businesses, which provide high salaries are not allows cost-effectiveness, to date, making the UST for the full program, namely 26%. Therefore made a clear disposition under the circumstances of non-oil and raw materials business. Compare the sizes of the companies with the level of implementation GDP. When in 2003 the 500 most powerful corporations have the figure 58% of GDP, in 2006, this figure is already summed up to 81%. And besides all built up commodity sector, in which the main target of large industrial enterprises. In our country we would like two economies. Now we have reached a new level of development shifted to the next stage of progress, but at the current level to the economy made other plans.

Subsequent formation of a raw model of the economy combined with overly sharp force majeure. At the moment, the main issue is to reorganize the model of innovative economy, to upgrade, diversify the economy to avoid monogootraslevogo development. To do this, it is important use all the elements that promote business development in general. Encouraged not to switch from an economy with manual control, a policy of incentives to the economy, competition, and improvement of the great circles of the business in general. Not extremely small, but in the amount of processing. Taxes are a necessary way to force the different vectors of policy in the industry, what should be implemented in the state. We argue that possible to create tax incentives to industries, but in such areas, what are the future and provide for the competitiveness of domestic goods. From this change in taxation, as we discussed, will help to increase just high-tech areas, progressive, and which constitute the basis of progressive modernization of the economy. As the only innovation will provide an opportunity to our economy at the forefront in the world.