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15 Articles


Channel Sales Day

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The major soft GmbH is the official sponsor of the ‘channel sales day software solutions with a focus on ‘Software-as-a-service’ on the 30th April 2009 in Munich. The major soft GmbH is considered first-mover in the field of document management on-demand and was awarded by a 60-member expert jury at this year’s CeBIT the IT INNOVATION Prize 2009 for your product. If you with to your industry distribution partners include, which are in-novation leaping ahead, the market meet us media company on April 30, 2009 in Munich in the IDG. We are looking forward to you! The focus of the event is the sale of software solutions. “Reseller get on this day directly from the manufacturers about opportunities in the software sales to find out the possibility, which is all about the revolutionary changes through the topics of software-as-a-service (SaS), software-on-demand”, application service providing (ASP), hosting or cloud computing, short revolves around the new generation software. As an expert in the field of document management On demand soft presents the major experience with SaS solutions and the related lucrative distribution GmbH. The major soft GmbH is considered first-mover in the field of document management on-demand and was awarded by a 60-member expert jury at this year’s CeBIT the IT INNOVATION Prize 2009 for your product.

“If you want to include your industry with distribution partners, giving it a market innovation jump” ahead to meet us at April 30, 2009 medienhaus in Munich in the IDG. We are looking forward to you! Software solutions for more information for the channel sales day”get under or…/ channel_sales_day… Grow your customers on new challenges and solutions! major soft GmbH Schweinfurter Strasse 28 97076 Wurzburg phone: + 49 931 80 100-234 fax: + 49 931 80 100-100 Internet: contact: Ms. Kathrin Flierenbaum E-Mail:


First Official Office Chair Race

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Multi function oil WD-40 sponsor of the new formula B fun, adrenaline, tension and party all promises Germany’s first official Office Chair race. Bath King cell in the Odenwald is on 26 April from 11: 00 to the fashionable metropolis of racing. Approximately 70 Office chairs and their daredevil pilots that will ensure with driving top performance that blows through the streets a whiff of Monaco are responsible. The event is based on a simple, but nevertheless ingenious concept: one that moves driving first on his Office Chair at the finish, is as first German Champion in the Office Chair race in history and therefore if not already rich, so at least famous. In addition to the fastest WINS by the way also the most creatively designed Office Chair. Where are such excellence, multi function oil WD-40 may not be missing.

This is also the reason that the national unique event as sponsor supported the WD-40 company. WD-40 is a liquid Tool of the helpers in household, hobby and around the vehicle maintenance. Bath King cell in particular the WD-40 will provide smart straw optimally prepared material. He sprays thanks to the unique construction of his spray head (the spray tube is directly integrated and can easily and be folded out) from all situations, both flat and to the point. When it arrives on April 26 on it, there is no bridge hydraulics, noisy leaning or rattling rollers with WD-40 guaranteed. Also the somewhat langsamern pilots, for which it will be enough not quite up on the winner’s podium, can be happy: so that it runs the next time they smoothly, they will each receive better training for the upcoming race a Gratisdose WD-40.

The entrance to the racing spectacle is free. Also culinary pit stops are possible along the slope. More information about the event at, as well as to the various uses for WD-40 and the straw smart under. From the space research WD-40 was created during a series of experiments at the for NASA a water displacement is being searched, which reliably should protect against corrosion. The appropriate water displacement was the 40th attempt”found and the name of WD-40. For over 50 years is this liquid tool”used in industry and technology, factories and workshops, household and hobby rooms in world’s 160 countries.


Industrial Revolution

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The crisis of the escravismo if gave mainly for the exaggerated increase of the number of slaves they could control without you them, and mainly why a revolutionary classroom did not exist. The way of escravista production finished entering in decline until complete its disappearance, that culminated in the sprouting, slow and delayed well, of the feudalismo. The feudalismo had for characteristic the self-sufficient production, that had the servant as its ' ' explorado' ' , for feudal Mr. In the truth he did not have an exploration properly said, therefore the servants took care of of the land, the instruments of work, and were with a part of what he was produced, clearly being feudal Mr. with most. Already in exchange Mr. of the feudal he would guarantee military defense of all.

Feudal they had perceived you that gaining its part, the servants work more and better. in this way appeared again exceeding of production, that could be changed in other feudals of other regions, making with this, the magnifying of the routes deals. Later with the Industrial Revolution (1776-1830), organized for the classroom in ascension, the bourgeoisie, the new model would appear of exploration that is the capitalism, and consequentemente would appear also two basic classrooms in this process: bourgeoisie and the proletariat. To break daqui we will initiate a point of vision of the social situation, the point of the sprouting of the capital and for consequence of the capitalism. Since the evolution in the production ways, that finished culminating in the capitalism, we perceive a individualizao of the individual, having breached with the society. The social life exclusively passes to be influenced by the private property, and the money, that is fruit of the private property, starts to be the center of all the relations. The capitalism transforms all the people into adversaries and all the relations are based on disputes for money and estatus.


Commerce Guide

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The dealer get in the course of the survey itself, as well as by the results. valuable tips on how they can improve their marketing and Web Analytics and optimisation in the future” The survey is available at the following URL: online marketing of E-Commerce Guide, as well as the recent survey are supported by the Federal Ministry of education and research, the Federal Association of service providers for online providers e.V., the Federal Association of German shipping trade, as well as numerous Chambers and associations. Dealers who participate in the survey, find out more about current opportunities in the areas of marketing and Web-controlling and receive a free summary of the study results on request. This allows them to compare their current level of development in the different topics with other dealers. As a small thank you, five printed copies of the current E-Commerce Guide, as well as five year subscriptions of the e-commerce magazine and an annual subscription to the Internet world business will be raffled among the participants.

“” The most important information about the survey at a glance: survey within the project E-Commerce Guide “title: marketing and Web-controlling trends and developments from the dealer perspective conclusion of the survey: December 12, 2010 time duration of the survey approximately 15-20 minutes URL: online marketing information to the Guide: information about the partner Consortium: press and media area: about the project E-Commerce Guide”: to give answers to the main questions related to e-commerce, a consortium has been consisting of eleven leading solution providers and research and consulting Institute, ibi research at the University of Regensburg joined together. Atrada atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce bundle in this project their expertise and their experience, to put together the most important information for online retailers and those who want to become, together with ibi research in easily understandable and concise form. More information: about ibi research: since 1993, which forms a bridge between University and practice ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH. The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of “financial services in the information society”. ibi research works on the fields of E-business, IT governance, Internet sales and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results. Since January 2009 is ibi Research carrier of E-Commerce competence centre Eastern Bavaria in the framework of the network of e-commerce (NEG) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi).

More information: ibi research is pleased about the royalty-free reprint of this press release. After completing the study we will inform you about the results of the survey. If interested in more information, articles etc, please contact: E-Commerce Guide Dr. Georg Wittmann c/o ibi research at the University of Regensburg Galgenberg Bergstrasse 25 93053 Regensburg phone: 0941 943-1901 fax: 0941 943-1888 email:


Evaluated The World Of On-line Business

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One hundred percent of the persons engaged for the first time, enthusiasts in any internet business of any kind, usually business or programs “very easy” to get paid for reading emails, clicking, reading advertisements or fill out surveys, etc. ., or programs that involve little or no monetary investment. In less than a month that 100% of people have been reduced to zero, no one believes, they feel cheated, they see this business as a virtual lie, and a very small percentage realize the reality of such business. Curiously, it is very similar to what happens with the Millionaires and the rest of the people. Millionaires think and do what everyone else does. The current company is not affiliated or often just beginning a relationship with the computer and the internet, have created unintended paradigms in their minds, the consequences of what they have learned throughout his life.

They know that the computer is a powerful tool that helps a lot in time and money to carry out a given task. In general familiar with the internet is have access to information worldwide. The result of this, easily satisfying relationships computation.The errors made to come to believe that a lie or scam virtual business: – Do not enriched with appropriate knowledge about the world of online business very easily .- To believe a business do not read their proposals, do not analyze in detail, nor interact with others to get the best .- To make others believe that it is “easy” business, this is directed more to the people already on any affiliate program. – To think that only if we signed up and if we pay the contribution, and we do not move a finger, and want to see the money fall into the errors YA.No to fall into the alleged failure on the Internet, all they do is close our minds to valuable opportunities, but make no mistake, we learn to read, to know the world of online business, analyze, compare. Just so we’re able to see if it really is what we want, if we really want to take in this world, and what is best to choose either business according to our tastes, our strengths and we can observe only relatively quickly our first revenues in our amounts.And for friends and colleagues who are in virtual business programs, we are more realistic, carefully explain to what should be done in such a program, explain that we must work hard like any business, especially if you are not willing to invest a single penny. Only then we will get better results, we have clients or members satisfied and loyal, and we are not cataloged in their minds (because they never say just think) erroneously false and cons as individuals, as well as the company or program to which we belong.


China Industry

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Mining machinery industry is closely connected to China s economic growth and rise, therefore, in order to improve the level of national economic life, the country issuers a series of excellent supporting policies, including the relevant policies in the development of sand making industry. With the purpose of keeping up with the pace of the construction development, Hongxing constantly reforms and improves the equipment and production technology so as to meet the challenges with these high efficiency sand makers unknown. The experienced instructors of sand making operation know that the components of sand makers are easy to wear and loosen which are easy to malfunction if there is not timely maintenance and upkeep, so the newly acquired sand maker should be focused on. As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of machinery, such as cone crusher mining, HXJQ is always doing the best in products and service. With the rise of the western region s mining industry, the vast mining market will continuously rapid develop and thereby increase the demand of market sand. In the railway applications, with the development of the railway construction planning, road infrastructure, cement and other construction is bound to pull in the growth of the sand making industry. As well as the chemical and water conservancy will maintain rapid growth in the next years which will pull the demand for the sand makers. As the manufacturers of sand making equipment, Hongxing is constantly develops and provide enough qualified building aggregate. Meantime, Hongxing vigorously promote the production and application of artificial sand to make beneficial initiatives for the long-term sustainable development of the country.


ISU European Figure Skating Championships 2009

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Unusual ice show – European Figure Skating Championships held in Finland, , from 20 to 25 January 2009 at the Arena Hartwall. Concert-sports complex Hartwall is a multifunctional indoor construction, specifically designed for mass entertainment and recreational activities. Built in 1997, the complex Hartwall able to take on their stands more than 13,000 hockey fans, and for conducting concerts of world music stars of their capacity can be increased to 15 thousand spectators. According to the format of the tournament, played four sets of medals: in the women's figure skating in the men's figure skating in pairs figure skating, as well as in ice dancing. Successfully completed their performance at last year's evropervenstve, Russian national team won the right to set for the tournament in 2009 of 3 representatives in the men's singles Catania, 2 – in the female and three pairs in pair skating and ice dancing. Athletes will compete in categories of men's and women's singles figure skating, pair skating and ice dancing..


Diagrams Of A Cell In Excel

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Until the version 2007 of Excel, to see a visual representation of the data the well-known graphs were used, but with the arrival of Excel 2010 a new tool is born that come to complement the graphs in Excel. One is the minigraphs or graphs of a single cell. With them now it is possible to create tiny graphs integrated in within each cell. These will serve to easily detect the models of the data of the tables. One is a very simple and fast form with which to emphasize the important tendencies of the data (as they can be the seasonal increases and diminutions). In this small mini tutorial of Excel we will see how they are generated: In order to make use of the minigraphs we will only have to select the cells where we want to locate these graphs in miniature (generally a column next to the table of data). Later, we make click in the eyelash Insert > minigraphs, choosing line, column or gain or loss. Particularly, the most visual option seems to me the format line.

The format gain or I very see it to loss indicated at the time of interpreting balance, in which it is frequents the appearance of red numbers. Later, we will mark the rank of cells that we are going to use as it bases of the graphs and these are generated right away. As it is possible to be observed in the figure. He is very fast, simple and intuitive to process the data of the table, to identify tendencies and to observe evolutions. What at first they were a set rather little legible of numbers now has turned into something easily understandable. In previous versions it would be necessary to have generated a graph that included all the series (if they used the same scale) or a graph for each of them. The value that contributes this new functionality of Excel 2010 is evident. Original author and source of the article.



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I read an article about Gorlacheve Ataman – ‘chieftanship not buy. ” The author is simply nonsense. Gorlach one of the few right people. This is the only chieftain who does not collect fees from the Cossacks, nothing fills ‘up’, not trade awards and titles! Encouragement, I am not talking about the award, he can only deserve it. Or, for a misdemeanor, you can easily get the whip over his back! Apparently the author of this scribbling in this category and is, to see got him from the leader. And it’s probably someone from the new to the Cossacks. We have a shelf in a skolzsky Colonel, his name is Sergey, I see it is his job. But no matter, soon Cossack circle, we shall understand! Yes Ataman entrepreneur, engaged in business.

How else, after all, must live. But he Cossack soul. Gorlach done more to like him, would live as a people! A few who are interested in the history of Cossacks The exact origin of the Cossacks unknown, there are many theories. By the end of XIV century, formed two major groups living in the Lower Don and the Dnieper. They were joined by many immigrants from neighboring East-north of Moscow and Lithuanian principalities. By the beginning of the XVI century, both groups have grown into large voluntary forces. The Don Cossacks in the Russian league with the Kingdom began a systematic colonization of the borderlands of Russia, inhabited the Lower Volga, Terek and Yaik as well as extensive territory in Siberia, and became the basis of new troops. Dnieper Cossacks formed Sich became a vassal of Poland.

But the political and religious pressure from Poland has led to the proclamation of the Hetman and mass revolt of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, which radically changed the geopolitical balance of Eastern Europe. Subsequently, the Cossacks turned to Russia, and Ukraine joined Pereyaslavskaya Parliament with her. In the 18th century, the growing Russian Empire demanded that the Cossacks of devotion and service, but it often conflicted with their freestyle way of life and resulted in many uprisings Razin, Bulavin, Pugacheva. This caused a major crackdown by the authorities and in extreme cases, entire armies can be disbanded, as has happened to Zaporozhye in 1775, the beginning of the 19th century, the Cossacks were formed in his estate, guarded by state and internal ethnic borders, constantly sent people in many wars. In response, they have a huge social autonomy, exempt from taxes, etc. By the early 20th century, Russian Cossacks began to stereotype abroad and within its authority. During the Civil War the Cossack regions became the mainstay of the White movement, and subsequently a large part of the White emigration. After the victory of the Red Army Cossacks were repressed until the mid-1930s. After the collapse of the Soviet Union began the systematic restoration of the Cossacks. Now there are many of the Cossack communities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other countries.


Building Vacant, Vacant, Vacant Areas Avoid

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Use empty the buildings under rent interest levels use empty the building below in rental interest rates (E.g. hiring of artists against the operating costs) can keep this before expiration and security issues equally. Time to the development of possibilities of use can be obtained for difficult to market real estate. The sites creators and cultural workers are not arbitrary. Pulses and possible intermediate uses of this group to capitalize on, sites should strive to identify the preferred rooms: rooms in a transitional stage between discontinued use and new planning (as former industrial sites, vacant, abandoned railway and airport areas, unused or broke this commercial real estate) rooms that investors due to lack of demand or lack of recycling opportunities are not interested in possibilities (unplanned new activities can unfold) freedom (involving, Youth, pop culture) Testing areas (use of recreation and sports, as well as for social initiatives) large (transformation areas with heterogeneous building stock) a use of empty standing buildings also below the rent interest level (E.g. hiring of artists against the operating costs) can protect them from foreclosure and reduce security problems.

For hard-to-market real estate will save time to use alternatives can be developed for this purpose. On the design of its planning authority, the commune with decides a possible siting of cultural producers. Against the background of a balancing of the factors for the potential uptake of the real estate industry of a site describes options including Becker Jorg: real estate business in the location space effect relations in the force field of location factors, site balance as a 360-degree all-round radar, 2010, ISBN 9783839123065 homes are the surrounding the site and thereby also limiting case. They form the Foundation and the Rooms where and where all events of the site takes place, they are the possibility space of the site. Most of the activities of the actors playing in local ramifications. “Between the two central objectives increase the centrality” on the one hand, as well as extensive preservation and careful development of the existing retail “significant trade-offs may occur.

With the help of a site record creating transparency, decisions can be prepared for their solutions. Centrifugal site processes on the one hand is on the other side of the new appeal and Renaissance of downtown locations. Site developments are not exactly predict. Therefore, well-grounded analyses and methodological expertise are critical success. For a better overview, approaches such as site balance sheets may be of use. Jorg Becker (