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Tips For security purposes, always keep your back slightly arched at the back. Do not relax your lumbar muscles, lower the bar until it rests on. Rounding the back raises the risk of injury and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. Keep your abdominal muscles tight throughout the set. This greatly facilitates the retention of the body in a stable position and prevents it from rocking. However, not overdo it: too much straining the press, you unconsciously begin Rounded back. Squatting and sitting up, in any case not tear off your heels off the floor.

Squatting on his toes (not on your feet), you tyaryaete sustainability and risk injure the knee joint (it will be too much come to the fore). At the lowest point of the knees should not "vylazit" beyond the line of the toes. The depth squats (lower point of exercise) is determined solely by the extent of you have the strength to keep the natural curvature of the spine and not to interrupt the heel from the floor during the squat. If you feel that the spin begins Rounded and heels are lifted off the floor, do not squat below. If the distance between feet slightly less than or equal to the width of shoulders, the burden falls on the focus of the quadriceps and they involve a much stronger back muscles of the thigh. But such a statement of the legs requires flexibility, excellent hip and Achilles tendon (otherwise you can not omit the thigh to parallel with the floor).


Academician Zel

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Such a perfect grave physical star or galaxy is called a black hole. Academician Zel'dovich figuratively called a black hole "gravitational grave." In the black hole space vanish not only stars in it may disappear the whole galaxy. In general, the black hole disappears completely space all material, energy, even! What happened to the huge amount of material lost star? Where does it go? Maybe it took a different the physical universe? But lost in the middle of a massive star in our universe, but not at the border. And there is no trace of her move to the edge of the universe. Some contend that Cedar shows great expertise in this. In addition, the velocity of a massive star to the boundary should be more speed of light, because the universe is constantly expanding at the speed of light. And these speeds are not possible stars. So maybe, the star left by the collapse of that ideal world, where, in accordance with anthropic principle, the idea of creation of the universe? But that world can not accept anything material. He could take the stellar matter how positive energy, but only in the form of a zero-sum with the same amount negative energy. In a question-answer forum Global Machine Translation Software Market was the first to reply.

Where can I get such a huge amount of negative energy? Only in a vacuum environment. But the enormous amount of positive and negative energy is concentrated in the zero volume is required to annihilate and disappear. And if we have the disappearance of the vast number of stellar mass (positive energy), it should disappear at the same time an equivalent amount of negative energy subtract from the vacuum environment. It turns out that a huge amount of stellar matter as a result of the collapse not just out of this world, it is completely gone, not turned into anything tangible.