Group Dialogue

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Learn to communicate leads to learning more about ourselves since it allows us to recognize the nature of our thoughts to the extent that we exchange ideas with each other is it reminds us also, take very good na communication pro account, the basic conditions for dialogue that are: be aware of our ideas, opinions, prejudices, needs and motives in order to submit them for consideration which of them makes the Group; i.e., we must not adopt rigid and non-negotiable thoughts that make us feel obliged to defend them. For even more opinions, read materials from financial planner. Consider others so consents as colleagues in order to establish ties of equality that allow the flow of ideas. This type of relationship does not imply that need to agree or share the same thoughts, on the other hand, the power of this way of interacting operates when there are differences in the concepts. It is therefore essential to learn to visualize the adversaries as colleagues with other perspectives, in order to Exchange thought forms of relaxed and respectful manner that helps us to leave behind feelings of anger that commonly occur when people don’t have the discipline to keep an open mind and believe that another way to capture the world outside what they perceive there is. Engage in symmetrical relationships where you avoid the idea of superiority or subordination. Relationships where individuals are perceived as equals allow the flow of ways of thinking is carried out through an open dialogue and a more balanced way. It is necessary at the beginning of the formation of a learning team that there is an umpire who retain the context of the dialogue. Functions to play by such arbitrator are: help, invite and encourage the team members to be part of the process and the results.

Keep the dialogue ongoing and balance. Keep the balance between its expertise and its helpful attitude, but without adopting the role of expert or doctor, which would remove the emphasis to the ideas and the responsibility of other members of the team. Understand that the art of dialogue is to experience the flow of meaning and to see what is necessary now. Avoid arising between members defensive routines; i.e. avoid the team members to assume roles that obstruct the harmonic flow, such as: victim, know-it-all, not purposeful, the I can not, the indifferent, the fool.