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Finally, innovation in thinking is the prerequisite for carrying out any innovation. Strong innovative culture is the key factor that influences how effective and continuous innovation in organizations. Actions that promote the conversion process of knowledge conversion process knowledge, as Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) is carried out through a spiral model two epistemological and ontological content. It happens in a process of interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge that has a dynamic nature and continuous and is following four phases: Tacitus Tacitus: This occurs through processes of socialization, that is, through direct interaction with the outside world: with other people, other cultures, etc. Tacit to Explicit: This occurs through outsourcing, through dialogue.

Explicit to Explicit: combine various forms of explicit knowledge from documents or databases. Tacitus explicit: it is the internalization of knowledge, and involves the incorporation of tacit knowledge by individuals of any organization. In the context of knowledge management of organizations, informal meetings, meetings to discuss or expert opinions, sow the process of converting tacit knowledge to tacit, meaning that facilitate socialization. Likewise, the record lessons learned in one project, the design profiles relevalemiento jobs or processes, promote outsourcing and conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit. The redesign of the processes surveyed, the generation of a repository of documentation and the establishment of working groups for continuous improvement are examples of actions to promote the combination or conversion of explicit knowledge into explicit. Finally, training and use of best practices, tend to promote the conversion of explicit knowledge or tacit knowledge internalized.