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Expression Corporal

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In it is perceived visible exteriorizao of the body of feelings and emotions, what the fence. Nowadays, the Expression Corporal and the dance is gifts in some places, with some rhythms and forms, varying enter the use of entire body in free and opened movements, and those where the movements are limited in determined parts of the body, therefore, I believe that the corporal expression and the dance are to leave to join the art to represent with the art to leave its body to create the proper movement. The developed research to search to understand the meaning of some results gotten through studies of developed case, that it intends to search the understanding of the meaning of the corporal expression and the corporal perceptions as strategy of education for special carriers of necessities with visual deficiency. This project is based on the necessity to favor and to give chance the deficient ones to find joy and harmony of life, diminishing the traumas of the deficiency and anxiety of the exclusion of the society. Gain insight and clarity with Jack Fusco. The corporal expression through the dance is used by means of development of the natural movements that are: the space, the time, the rhythm the dynamics, in harmony, making possible gestual flexibility, the communication and expression and understanding the human movement with expressive capacity.

For Laban (1978)? the movement is considered a on process to the thought, the feeling, all an inferior structure and not only the external action, tied with the social structure. For It hisses, (1993) believes that the education is a growth process, therefore the education through the dance is conceitualizada as a creative process. The analysis of the education process/learning in the dance can take us it a way where the art is the service of the education, as well as of the growth of the person/pupil as a whole, in contrast to being only objectifying the development of abilities technique.


Welding Process

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The gas can be introduced to the part, being in this in case that a process of welding with tubular wire of protection to the gas, or can the gas be generated from the decomposition of the ingredients contained in the flow (autoprotegido wire). Beyond the protection gas, the tubular wire can produce a slag for extra protection of the metal welded to the measure that it is cooled. This slag is removed the welding process after. 3.1? TYPES OF ASSEMBLIES FOR EACH PROCESS Welding MIG/MAG or GMAW widely are used in the manufacture of parts in steel of average small thicknesses and in structures of aluminum alloy, particularly where one high tax of operation is required. The process is adjusted for many materials and the wires of the addition metal are usable in an extensive metal gamma. Welding TIG or GTAW Can be used for almost all the metals and the process can be manual or automatic.

Welding TIG wide is used for weld with aluminum and stainless steel leagues where the integrity of the weld is of extreme importance. Also it is used for meetings of high quality in nuclear, chemical, aeronautical industries and of foods. FCAW – Welding with Tubular Wires FCAW is used to weld steel carbon, basses binds stainless in the construction of vases of pressure and tubings for the chemical, petroliferous industry and of energy generation. In the automotiva industry and of equipment weighed, it comes being used in the manufacture of parts of chassis, distinguishing axle, cambagem of wheels, components of suspension and other parts. Tubular wires with lesser dimetros come being used in the repair of chassis of automobiles. This process is also used in the welding of some nickel alloys. The method to be used depends on the type of developed electrode, of the demanded mechanical properties, the type of meeting, the type of adapter and etc. Between weldable metals base for process FCAW we can cite: Steel low carbon resistant structural Steel the atmospheric corrosion resistant Steel chromium-molybdenum the high temperatures on Steel to nickel tempering Steel Steel average carbon, treated thermally and low binds to stainless Steel Nickel alloys 4 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 1 Available in: It emends of Senai-SP 1993? Continuous formation? Available Mig/Mag welding 2 in: Emends of the Federal University of Minas Gerais 3 Welding TIG Available in:


The World

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To put each person transforms this vision in agreement its interpretation involves the conflict of ideas in the creation of its proper identity. The form to read in the space between lineses according to Chatier (p.179) on a fact or history not if of in the same way, therefore has the ones that ' ' they withhold the form most adept of leitura' ' , others engatinham in the phrases searching to decipher its meaning. As well as it has some platforms for interpretation of a text, exist some ways to interpret the world in the construction of the identity of a person, tribe or people. In the form as each one constroe its world, that is, the had importance that of a what the identification of each one for this fact, circumstance or event are presented at that moment and. The given importance is the bridge for the identity of a group or people, which if differentiates of excessively for the vision and the contours given for it.

The historian when weaveeing history in accordance with uses of the details of these same contours for its identification, of – them a format an order. The historian it projects in the temporality the possibility of reporting in them to a time that of some form assisted in the construction of an identity in this direction literature and history, walk together; literature contributes to its way as source to the historian, for transposing in the temporality and nostalgia has a inretornvel time, making possible the transcription of the texts and to report us it this temporality. The understanding of the processes fits to the historian that involve the construction of the identity of a people or city. The cities according to Calvin (apud PESAVENTO), ' ' … holds several cidades' ' , that is, inside of a city if it holds some tribes, who follow customs, proper rituals, proper ways of survives, r participate of the same community, religiosidade; inside of these same its proper divisions gradas for the conflict and the identification of each one exist.


National Federacy

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Such population explosion needed one heavy level deinvestimentos state stops to adjust the demand to offers of services. As estenvel it did not reach the necessary platforms, nor if economy of the country wants following evoluoda, the urban situation if it aggravated. While the doBrasil growth between 1940 and 1980 was one of the drawn out greaters and more of the world (mdiade 7%), little became to brighten up or to repair problems as inaquality eexcluso in the urban space. With the fall of these levels of growth (average de1.3% up to 1990 and average one of 2,3% up to 1998), little the state could make to still paracombater the effective structure and the segregation of the urban space, with consolidated asdesigualdades the question of the ownership without solution. The vigorous Brazilian urbanization, now in century XX, stimulated for the ascension of the free work, for the condition of republic and emergent pelaindstria (still tied with the field, through a produoagroexportadora), takes for the contingent cities each time bigger detrabalhadores and its familiar ones, leaving of side concern with the qualidadedeste process and recriando the colonial delay of the concentration of the ground, now sobsua new form: the urban large state. In accordance with the demographic census of 1970, 56% of the populaobrasileira inhabited in the cities. These data prove that Brazil left to deser an agricultural country definitively. 6 2 LEGAL LANDMARK AND the URBAN REFORMATION Constitution promulgated in 1988 can be considered ummarco of the period of redemocratizao of the Brazilian society. In 182 articles e183 that they deal with important subjects as ' ' social function dapropriedade' ' the beginning of ' ' function social' ' , especially notocante to the urban property it only found a consistent definition in Constituiode 1988, that, in art. 182, 2, established: ' ' The urban property cumpresua social function when diretor&#039 takes care of to express the basic requirements of ordinance dacidade in the plan; ' approved under pressure of the sociedadecivil organized, through the proposal of popular emendation on reform urban, with more than 131 a thousand signatures, sponsored for the National Federacy dosEngenheiros and Architects and for the Institute of Architects of Brazil, that continhavinte proposals, of which the congress alone guaranteed two, showing desrespeitocom the proposal popular, had as advisory and only not deliberative, apesardo volume of signatures (BASSUL, 2007)), they had been inefficacious during 13 years, sganhando prominence in 2001 with the publication Statute of the City (Law nmero10.257, 10 of July of 2001) in official gazette.