Painting Alloy Wheels

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Well, finally spring has come with the warm weather! Time to go to the garage and start painting purchased in the winter b / u drive AEZ (R15, 5 / 100, J7, ET35, D60.1) for his beloved first-generation Fabia! Disks themselves were very much in a terrible state, pokotsany, frayed, dirty to the horror, the resin … .. Additional information at WhiteWave Foods supports this article. But exactly! I decided to make their own! Taken home, washed them in the bathroom brushing with the powder; pochuhal wire brush (at tip drill), coarse sandpaper proshkuril (200), then assistant finer (400) and at the end of pouring water small (600). Then, with the automotive putty (bodi finish), removed the "Kotzk" and chipped on the rim. Learn more on the subject from Sonny Perdue. All fine sandpaper sanding again (600) pouring water from above, ie brought to an ideal. (I count at that time, alas, did not realize to do).

Painting drives – this work is really very monotonous, boring and dirty (my wife zaseranie bathroom almost killed, had to constantly wash and bath …). For a complete painting of all 4eh drive shop "METRO" were purchased as follows: – 2 cans of ground Company MOTIP (30 UAH / pcs.) = 60 USD. – 3 bottle special paint to drive the company MOTIP (30 UAH / pcs.) = 90 USD. – 1 bottle of transparent varnish firm MOTIP (30 UAH / pcs.) = 30 USD. – 1 bottle of 646 solvent (0.3 liter) (4 UAH / pcs.) = 4 USD. – 1 box of film for zastilaniya workplace (20 m) (8 UAH / pcs.) = 8 USD. The result was a cost (putty inazhdachka were already): 192 UAH.! Primer and paint falls evenly and perfectly, the main thing at first a good shake bottle before work and in the process also periodically roil and withstand distance 20/25sm! The palette of colors for the drive is not very wide, but for yourself you can choose the color of all the pics seen so much talk and not worth it! Sped: Camouflage … decomposed followed by the internal primer part, and then the outer 2 / 3 layers: Degrease …

… All primed, priming and dries completely finished by "duykoy" and followed by the painting process, similar to the 2 / 3 layers … The primer, paint and varnish highly toxic, so rasperatorom enjoyed! On the first day everything was carefully primed and painted in several layers with drying of breaks. By the time came 4ri hour smoke break truce and (started to B16, B19 graduated was decided varnish on the very next day, because was already dark, the wind began to blow the dust in the garage, and the paint was fresh. Left everything in the garage at night to dry out. In the morning the weather was still warm, sunny and no wind – it is ideal for painting! The process of painting all the disks in 2Ba layer was quickly over 30 minutes, with drying in the sun (they were sunbathing in the sun right on the laid roof car). Later'll post pictures of how it looks in general. The result exceeded all my expectations! The color turned out gorgeous – something between the graphite and silver shimmers in the sun + and shines! Whew! Do not judge strictly, just wanted to share my personal experience!