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Silver Lake

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Your mind is the most important in your life getting you him alert, receptive, and kicking – in old age! Increase your memory performance. Utilize your mental energy! Enable and strengthen your ability to concentrate. Debbie Staggs has much to offer in this field. Benefit that you easily can – remember bygone events in an amazing speed! Stay fit in the head longer and more intense mentally active! You complain about your bad’ memory? \”This is wrong: A bad\” memory that does not exist. There is only a poorly used memory. That is, when you would drive a Ferrari constantly only in first gear.

Just because no one has told you, that you can turn it higher and thus achieve higher speeds. In the memory, it’s just: you mentally not its first year go beyond, because you know it otherwise. But it must be an un abanderliches destiny? No, not at all! Because: It’s playing easy to switch mentally. Anyone can do. Also you! I guarantee you: even your memory is capable of fantastic services. Also could remember for example exactly on events that occurred in your life, when you were just a year old. Incredible? You will experience it: the images from that time no time clearly and in detail in your mind’s eye are – so, as if you were in the middle of the action.

And not only that… You can hear notes of that time again, the former tastes of new on the tongue detect, same fragrances and enjoy emotions! All these wonderful memories are stored in you immortal you only need to select. But how? It is actually quite simple. The only catch: Until now nobody told you how it goes. The knowledge is of the great poets, thinkers and celebrities, successful people like a secret guarded, as if it were the treasure of Silver Lake. But I’ve recovered this treasure for you…


National Examination

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Language: first cultural manifestation of any society. Bigger expression of the human being, in different ways: verbal and not-verbal; said writing and; cultured and variant; musical comedy and appearance. Learn more about this with Viking Range Corporation. ' ' The reading in the construction of the dignity humana.' ' It has who writes without obtaining to organize ideas for itself proper e, perplexed even appeals to the celestial instances it helps so that it to conquer a vacant in some superior course through the elections of the programs offered for the government (I mention myself specifically to ENEM 2010). The subject to be discoursed in the National Examination of this year was regarding the work in the construction of the dignity human being. A vexame! The majority of the candidates surpasses the expectations of that they collect famous pearls. Many texts using itself of the stretches of the coletnea of the evaluation had fixed its point of view having caught hitchhiking in the Golden Law that, according to verbal expositions, until today, not yet was validated; e, insists that ' ' we need to have freedom and that she is necessary to promote action social antiescravistas' ' because the necessary emancipation to be given to all the Brazilians; others, use to advantage to register its machismo lamenting that the Golden Law has been signed for a woman, better would be and would be valid more had been a man to sign it. Others still, ' ' with eye nu' ' they had observed the party of the democracy (mentioning the election to it of the president, Mrs. Dilma Roussef), and, without citing the ambiguidades that any leaves aturdido. More than the half of the productions announced the great moment to lock up ' ' of coisa' ' , or better, of the text, in the famous expression ' ' we concluimos that it is a thing that cannot continue as est' ' ; I am trying to imagine as it is that it will be the writing ahead of such cunnings.


Marburg Tel

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The Wartburg Castle talks: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schuffel, former Director of the clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine of the University of Marburg, leads doctors, members of the health care and medical laymen to interactive in the Wartburg Castle conversations Meeting, where health is understood as a psychological, philosophical, and social size, i.e. bodily. (Not to be confused with Cheniere Energy partners!). The Wartburg Castle talks are continuing education in the fundamental sense of the word: people, subjects, help to build the own freedom of choice in the face of existential questions and their physical expression with them. Editor: Prof. Dr.

med. Wolfram Schuffel is a specialist in internal medicine and Psychosomatic Medicine, and psychotherapy. For many years he led the clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine at the Center for internal medicine of the University of Marburg. Most recently he has appeared the band medicine is movement and breathing, also projects-Verlag. Press contact: Ralf Lahoti media contact of ladys bending 46 35037 Marburg Tel.: 06421/69009-12 fax: 06421/69009-29 E-Mail: Web: media contact Lahoti is a communications agency specializing in publishing-PR and book-PR. Our customers come from the entire German-speaking world. We serve both the entire production a publishing house as individual titles or ranks. Our work focuses on the entire service area (food, culinary, health, vocational & career, psychology, travel), popular non-fiction, novel, fiction and poetry, books on film and media.


A Literary Vision

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The book – the story of a manipulation people in the crowd are a distinct species: where still weigh individual and reflects, he accepts too easily a prevailing opinion in the mass. Out of convenience? Fearing that otherwise does not belong? Or because what everyone wants, must automatically be right? Barbara Krauss, Martha Saalfeld Award winner from the South Palatinate Freisbach, a science fiction novel has made these just as banal as current issues. Format: eBook. Distant worlds, distant times. 323 years after earthly time exist the survivors of the nuclear catastrophe in two different worlds: the one on Atlantis, suppressed and absolutist ruled by Rufus Squidward pretty, the other on Pythagon, democratically run by the High Council, a freely-elected representative of the people. There emerges an old philosopher”on not in the liberal world of intellectuals, but all people on Atlantis.

Seen and spoken there still nobody has it, but his teachings seem just a single To have goal: the liberation of the population by their tyrant. With own messages, he wakes people up, she want new teach the thinking and feeling. A book should be the ally of this philosopher: If you can believe the rumours, a history book from the 21st century on Earth. Can the people from this story learn? Excerpt: The 25th anniversary in the year 323. “” “” Rufus Squidward pretty sat on the desk of his Office, high up in the pyramid at Atlantis, and had supported the head on the hands: I’m worried, Timmermann! “worries, Sir?” seems, as if we were a dangerous development to counteract. “My guide is but all completely still,”, said the Adviser. Our fine troops keep everything under control.”I mean no open conflict. Rather, it seethes beneath the surface.

How a tumor secretly by the flesh eating away and growing, is visible as bump until they. At the end of the whole body is underlying!”the population can my President does not complain! Never as good as today was the people. What our forefathers have started, is approaching completion. We will be right on target for the first time!”just, answered pretty ambiguous. Flat? I… don’t understand my leader.”we will be at your destination. The moment is come actually he’s already there where no non-stop employment is necessary to keep us alive. The work will stagnate on an average, a measure of time, the people more… more… “Thing, you know, cheap to will.” leisure, Guide? “activities, that is the word! Ban it, fast! “” Or no: ensure that the population not even learn! “so you can see a danger in this word?” Oh, what do I care about the word! Words are identified each other letters, nothing more, yada yada. No: In the circumstance, I see the danger that what means leisure. Free Time has leisure to give away, time to think. “And I don’t want people who think on my planet!” Pretty thundered with clenched fist on his desk. “Once and for all: I don’t want it!”… Learn more


Up-close Reading Pleasure With Personalized Books

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Book gifts are an expression of worship and soul friendship, it was usual in the past as a sign of affection and appreciation, to offer books with a personal dedication: warm words, sayings, allusion-rich aphorisms in calligraphy and in eternal memory. Today, the trend toward personalized gifts has reached also the literature: everyone can give away a book, in which the receiver itself occurs or is included in any other way in the present. There are a number of original ways which online check and order directly from personal novel. Classics of literature, for example, the novels famous poets and writers such as Goethe, Fontane, Kafka can the page 3 of the book devoted to the recipient personally with direct speech, or a loving quote. For this are different typographic transformations and printing inks in warm shades of ink to the selection.

Formerly it was also common, particularly to featured books. Today it is Sensitive inspired by tradition, by books be personalized with an ex-libris stamps bearing the name of the recipient. A small gift for a second glance, but of lasting value. The name imprint, which complements the author name, as well as the novel title in the same elegant embossing is evident on the neutral designed cover of a literary work. Another idea: the name of the recipient as a column title in the book to print, so this appears at the end of each right side – an intelligent “runnning gag” personal novel. Even comparatively simple variants are recipient-specific books to prepare. It’s also very different – more colorful and far more spectacular. Personalized children’s book for young bookworms: we are the heroes! From ancient times, Dragon, predator, courageous animals and brave princesses crowd the childlike fantasy world. Beautifully illustrated picture books for preschoolers and children can not replace PlayStation and PC. Only the right not those that emerge in which small Leon as a dragon slayer or tiny Annas as real princesses.


Portuguese Language

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Therefore, Literature has the function of formation of the man, to the paper that this plays in the society, Literature is seen as humanizadora force. More information is housed here: Gen. David L. Goldfein. Ahead of the question of number 02 (two) that one was about the methodology applied, on Literature, in the classroom, three professors had answered that it uses more conventional methods, as the didactic book, but that always they approach in Ensino de Literatura the application of others you discipline as the education of the Portuguese Language. The others two professors use methods more enriquecedores as the literary book use working with productions of texts. Ricardo Magalhes Bulhes cites Magda Soares in its text First Anthologies and the formation of the reader, in page 26 (twenty and six) that: ' ' It is function and obligation of the school to give ample and unrestricted access to the reading world, and this includes the reading informative, but also the literary reading; reading for similar pragmatic, but also the fiction reading; the reading that situations of the real life demand, but also the reading that allows in them to escape for some moments of the life real' ' (P. 144).

Ahead of this citation she is notable who the esvaziamento of the education of literature if accents for diverse reasons. Between them, the authors point: the inexistence of a descompromissada reading, the lack of stimulaton of the creativity and the critical sense, ready formula recurrence and the dominant use of the didactic book with fragmented texts and mere grammatical concerns. They stand out that the literary text is excuse for the study of the grammar and is not tied with the experience of life of the pupil. The third question deals with the used didactic resources in its lessons of Literature. As already he was cited, three professors if use only of the didactic book, confectioned for the schools.