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HKL Convinces Landscaping Experts

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The SV17 combines Compact dimensions and low swing radius with high efficiency. Hamburg, December 05, 2011. Impressed by the properties of the Yanmar excavator SV17 Albrecht garden courtyard from Norderstedt, a company specializing in landscape gardening has acquired the versatile machine from the HVAC rental fleet. The excavator is characterised in particular by its high performance with strong tensile stress and breakaway forces. Its compact machine dimensions in relation to the roomy cabin, as well as the low tail swing radius thanks to Knickmatik make it for use in the landscaping. Equipped with a quick attachment of Lehnhoff MS01, the appropriate attachments (TL, GRS) as well as the working headlights mounted on the cabin, the SV17 also in urban use is a versatile all-rounder.

The Yanmar excavator easily with a transporter and 2.6 followers of tons of carried a. The Yanmar SV17 held in special design and special paint was on the nordbau fair 2011 on the occasion of its 25-year cooperation of the manufacturer Yanmar HVAC passed. Sven Albrecht, Albrecht garden courtyard, explains: we have for the Yanmar SV17 by HKL decided, because the machine meets all our requirements. Specially for our diverse missions in drainage systems, house service connections and pipe trenches the excavator is ideal.” Christian Bahrenthien of the HKL center Hamburg, the customer was an advisory capacity to the side: the Yanmar SV17 is perfect for use in the landscaping. “Here are needed powerful, maneuverable all-rounder that can be easily transported offers the SV17.” About HKL Baumaschinen HKL is construction machinery manufacturer-independent owner and distributor of construction equipment, construction equipment, containers and trucks.

Founded in 1970, that 2010 celebrated his 40th birthday is in Germany with its rental fleet and service offering largest full-service provider for construction, trade, industry and municipalities. HKL has a rental fleet of 30,000 machines construction machines, holds approximately 2,000 used machines to the Sales ready and offers a wide range of construction equipment, tools and small machines work clothes as well as extensive machine offering in the HVAC engineering shop for every need. With its nationwide over 125 branches, 100 construction shops and over 40 ServicePlus centers the full-service provider guarantees proximity to the customer and the fast service on-site. The rental shop range of HVAC in nationwide 60 centers offers a variety of professional equipment for craft and trade. HKL Baumaschinen in Poland and Spain has additional offices.


Klimahaus Bremerhaven

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Impressive ice formations, breathtaking climbs and a personal story. Bremerhaven, January 2014. “The film chasing ice” shows the nature photographer James Balog in his hunt for the Arctic ice. It is a fascinating documentation of the ice at the same time characterized landscape in the Arctic and also a kind of life story of adventurer Balog. “The Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8 OST and the Alfred Wegener Institute show the film on January 28 at 7: 00 as a prelude for a series on the topic of fascination nature” at 19: 00 in the knowledge and experience.

James Balog, who works for the magazine national geographic, traveled for years to the most remote places, from Iceland to Greenland until after Canada, to install many cameras there on glaciers. In a fixed rhythm devices shoot again from their point of view. Considered in the time lapse, the collected image material documented how the ice increasingly retreats. Director Jeff Orlowski accompanied Baba in his expeditions and shows how much heart the geoscientists his extreme ice observation, the extreme ice survey (EIS) “works.” He climbs over rocks and abseiling in crevasses, to capture the best pictures of the time blue time grey black landscape can be. In the course of the project, he arrived physically as well as mentally sometimes its limits.

“For the most impressive pictures of chasing ice” nature itself provides, especially when the viewers can watch the calving of a glacier Massif in Greenland: suddenly the ice machine in motion and gradually more and more parts of the Massif abort and throw the groaning and rumbling into the sea. The footage here, represents the longest video sequence of such an event. With all these recordings succeeded James Balog and his team, to hold climate change in pictures. The Klimahaus and the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven (AWI) show the award-winning documentary on 28 January at 19: 00 in the knowledge and experience. Cards for the price of 5 euros can now purchased the Klimahaus -Kasse be. Following the demonstration, Klaus Metropolitan field, climate scientist at the AWI, the audience answers questions about glaciers and climate change. In his research, he deals in particular with the influence of the ice sheets and ice shelves in sea level changes. “” Chasing ice “is the kick-off of several evenings titled fascination nature”, which in the first quarter of the year 2014 in the knowledge and experience take place. “” February 27 follow the adventure short film of the Banff Mountain Film Festival world tour “and on March 20, the Klimahaus to a trip into the underwater world at the Multivisionsshow loads Tiefenrausch”. Each of these events taken into another world and makes the nature on their way to the actor.


Humming Sound

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If you have a humming sound in left ear, don’t worry, or at least not for a wrong reason. You do not is becoming crazy. Credit: Gen. David Goldfein-2011. Nor are the more messages there, whispers of Elves, no alien messages, nor any hoax by style. What you sucedes is that it suffers from tinnitus or tinnitus. In case that the buzzing of left ear is very intense, you will surely arrive desperate to find any solution and will try anything that will tell you that you can relieve it.

In this sense, you can cross with many opportunists who will try to sell you miracle cures or definitive solutions; or simply hear tips and opinions of people that work (perhaps unintentionally) from the inexperience or lack of experience. The non-professional Word many times may not be dangerous, but in all cases potentially harmful to a greater or lesser degree for your condition. Tinnitus patient of itself is in a State of easy irritability and despair due to disorders that tinnitus It is produced in his life. That is why it is always advisable that any treatment or diagnosis there is a physician specialized tracking. Continuous testing and subsequent disappointment that may result in the use of home remedies, alternative treatments and miracle cures, may cause the patient a total feeling of despair that often ends in depressive pictures. The medical professional will always be the best person to treat our ailments and make the correct diagnosis of the causes that produce the undesirable effects of the left ear buzzing. As a first step, should always go to the clinician, who after a brief interview (or anamnesis) will know if the suffered pathology can be treated by him, or must be the derivation or interconsultation with a specialist, since tinnitus may have as underlying conditions ear pathologies (referral to the specialist), vascular problems (phlebologist), heart disease (cardiologist), etc. There is a little-known method but very effective it is guaranteed to make that tinnitus will disappear forever.


Fitoveda Fitness

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"Fitoveda Fitness" may be included in a diet program to replace one meal a day on the background of a low-calorie diet. Balanced diet drink will help reduce weight safely without tedious calorie counting. He is particularly convenient because it requires minimal time to prepare and are absolutely safe and effective Ingredients: Isolated soy protein, whey, cellulose, lecithin, vitamins and minerals, milk powder, flavoring, aspartame. Soybeans, used in a cocktail, grown traditional way and does not contain genetically modified dna. How to use: two tablespoons (25 grams of powder) dissolved in 200 ml of hot water and stir. One serving cocktails to replace one full meal. Recommended take one or two glasses of cocktail in the afternoon. Duration receiving 1-2 months.

If necessary, repeat the admission. – Improves health – strengthens the immune system – improves the stability of the nervous system to Stress – strengthens bones and joints – regulates cholesterol levels – normalizes blood pressure – stimulates gastrointestinal unique dietary protein drink contains a balanced vitamin-mineral complex that provides intake of all essential micro and macro. As a result of taking a drink effectively reduces weight, improves health, strengthens bones and joints, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system. One serving cocktails replace one full meal. Dietary cocktail Fitoveda Fitness "is recommended as an additional source of vitamins and trace elements, as well as part of a weight loss program and a comprehensive health improvement.

"Fitoveda Fitness" can be used as a full meal when out of balance power, as well as reduced immunity, stress, conditions associated with vitamin deficiency in the diet, with increased physical and mental stress. Inclusion of a cocktail "Fitoveda Fitness in a weight loss program in the recommended dosage leads to better general health, weight loss, primarily due to utilization of fat, lower cholesterol levels in serum, normalization of blood pressure and physical stress tolerance, enhance immunity, enhance the protective and adaptive mechanisms of the body. "Fitoveda Fitness" may be included in a diet program to replace one meal a day on the background of a low-calorie diet. Balanced dietary cocktail help safely reduce weight without tedious calorie counting. He is particularly convenient because it requires minimal time to prepare and are absolutely safe and effective composition: Isolated soy protein, whey, cellulose, lecithin, vitamins and minerals, milk powder, flavoring, aspartame. Soybeans, used in the cocktail, is grown in the traditional way and not contains genetically modified dna. How to use: two tablespoons (25 grams of powder) dissolved in 200 ml of hot water and stir. One serving cocktails to replace one full meal. It is recommended to take one or two cocktail glasses a day. Duration receiving 1-2 months. If necessary, repeat the admission.



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Apartment repair requires a qualitative selection of materials, so quality Wallpapering involves the correct choice of glue. Mark adhesive will depend on the type of wallpaper. Once you have chosen your favorite Wallpaper you have bought the necessary glue for them – you can proceed directly to their glueing. In the middle of the room free up space of not less than the height and width of your room equal to the width of a single sheet. Cover the floor and film roll paper, if it is not possible to newspapers. Now for the cutting of several paintings of the wallpaper, the light pattern.

Put them on each other, which would lie down and straighten sheet. At this time, you need to put on the wall vertical line on it will stick, and vertical alignment of the first sheet. The key to quality will serve as a wallpapering your patience and comfortable ladder. Which you can easily climb, and from which no problems going to get to the top of the wall. Preparation of the adhesive must be in accordance with the directions on the package. If the glue is more liquid or vice versa thick, it can affect the quality of glued wallpaper, so careful approach to this process. Glue is applied to fabric wallpaper evenly from center to edge, with its application should be qualitatively promazyvayut edges of the canvas, it will save you from gluing the edges of the wallpaper after glueing on the wall.

But when applying the glue needed to know when to stop, excessive glue on the fabric caused by the wallpaper, in the labels, can go over the edge and get dirty the next, glued canvas. After applying the glue, it is necessary to wait a few minutes to glue evenly soaked cloth and then stick a leaf on the wall. Attach a sheet of wallpaper to the wall and dock it with the edge of the edge is bonded fabric. Then, using a plastic spatula, remove the air bubbles and excess glue from the floor sheet of wallpaper. Do it from the center leaf to the edges, appeared on the edges of the excess glue is removed with a clean cloth. Should be approached carefully to wallpapering next to the door and window opening, there should be neatly cut the excess pieces of wallpaper blade. When wallpapering in the field of switches and sockets in advance is necessary to remove their top. Take care of security, disconnect all these devices. Wallpaper sheet is pasted as usual, and then determine the location where the outlet or switch. Make the cut at this point crosswise, but we need the fate of his size should be smaller than the switch or outlet. Excess pieces of wallpaper cut and put in place, the outer part of the switch or outlet. When pasted wallpaper in the room, you must wait until they dry, and it is roughly about a day. On During this time the room is necessary to maintain a constant temperature and humidity, avoid drafts and sudden temperature drop. Do not forget that the observance of the temperature necessary adhere to and during the stickers of wallpaper.


Similar Blocks

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Manufacturing technology products and structures made of natural materials of quartz sand and lime were known at the end of last ctoletiya. At the turn of the century it was improved by using steam curing. Without hesitation Emmanuel Faber explained all about the problem. It was the starting point for further development of building materials with high content of pores – gas silicate. Previously adopted the name "aerated" no longer corresponds to today's gas silicate, as required for swelling hydrogen evaporates before curing with steam. A distinctive feature is its high content of gas silicate pores and grains of the filler compound hydraulic binder. Were manufactured gas silicate at the beginning of last century, but only further improve the process led to the creation of cellular concrete of our days. The Mill silicate blocks are made in technology and equipment, Similar import.

In the gas silicate finely-ground quartz sand binder binds to the jelly-like mass that provides the subsequent binding of grains with a grain of sand. In an autoclave of this mass of solid obtained calcium silicate, imbued with millions now. The range of products produced by plant includes building blocks of different sizes – silicate blocks. Gas silicate combines the advantages that can be achieved only by combining different materials. Due to its porous structure at the same time it is massive and easy. On the one hand, it is durable and does not burn like a stone, on the other – has a lightness and easy handling, characteristic of the tree.

Enclosed in the pores of the air leads to excellent heat insulating effect. Since the thermal resistance of building envelopes of gas silicate to 3 times higher than that of ceramic bricks and 8 times higher than that of heavy concrete. Products are suitable for the construction of external and internal walls. In the operation of gas silicate building heating costs are reduced by 25-30%. In the manufacturing of gas silicate used precision cutting technique, which ensures high dimensional accuracy of products. Precise geometric specifications of the products allow mason using adhesive. Compatible products gas silicate exclude the existence of "thermal bridges". Due to its structure, gas silicate easily and accurately the size of sawn, drilled and milled, which allows us to solve the issues of architectural expression. Favorable ratio of weight and volume makes it all the constructions suitable for transportation and allows you to fully use the power of vehicles. Gas silicate blocks


Graig McCourry

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The film follows Marec (Lino Ventura), a truck driver sent by his boss (Gert Frobe) to find, through the desert of the Sahara in Morocco, a Brash young man (Jean-Paul Belmondo), who is said that it has stolen a truck brand new and with all its cargo. A. F. Chief of Staff helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Riddled with bad luck, Marec will face the dangers of the desert, a rather suspicious partner, and a reluctant and misogynistic helper (the hilarious Bernard Blier), until the final apotheosis fight. This is an excellent and hilarious action comedy of the 1960s that offers an interesting perspective on the era, especially the misogynist nature and imperialist rather to the French in the Maghreb during the early 1960s. For even more opinions, read materials from WhiteWave Foods. 3. The Great Bazaars (Los Grandes bazaars) (2002) this fantastic documentary, American director Graig McCourry, was shot in different parts of Morocco, Egypt and Turkey to explore the fascinating cosmos of Big Bazaar, which emerged in a way spectacular in the antique markets of Cairo, Istanbul, Marrakech and Fez, where different peoples from the Islamic world were traveling in caravans of camels, through extensive deserts swept by wind and aggregate settlements, to be able to trade with their products. Today, these large bazaars must fight to survive and cope with economic and cultural metamorphoses that threaten its historical importance in the Muslim world.

The large bazaars invites you to penetrate into places as spectacular souks of Marrakech, the largest in North Africa, where religion and Commerce collide, where each barter involves a ritual choreography of negotiation, where merchants and craftsmen kept alive the most ancient traditions in their daily trades. 4 Another Sky (1954) this British romantic movie, directed by the screenwriter, novelist and biographer Gavin Lambert, has said that it is a treasure hidden and hypnotic. The action unfolds around a demure and mincing governess who comes to Marrakech to take a new job as a companion of a wealthy expatriate English. The story, set in North Africa, tells the story of love between the lone English woman and a traveling Moroccan musician. While they are completely different and that neither of them can speak the language of the other, they become lovers. Unfortunately, after being together briefly, he decides to return to the desert.

Young desperate spends the rest of his life and spends all his money looking for her beloved. The Ethereal black and white photography captures the gauzy atmosphere of North Africa in the 1950s, as well as strange and magnetic force of Morocco, shown here in all its strange destructiveness. 5. The Simpsons special Halloween II (1991) in one of the popular series of Simpsons episodes (season 3, episode 7), the family travels to Morocco. While walking through the streets of Marrakech, Homer decides to buy an old man the leg of a monkey, supposedly Magic. According to the seller, the leg can be granted four wishes, but recommended Homer to be very careful with desires that asks, since any wish can turn against him. But Homer, as usual, fails to follow the advice of the elderly seller come and discover the magic of the ochre city, which has both inspired celluloid. They may stay in one of the fantastic hotels in Marrakech or one of the typical riads of Marrakech, very close to the Jemaa El Fna square. Also you can stay in a magnificent Villa in Marrakech, closer to the countryside of Morocco, where the inhabitants would welcome them with open arms.



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To make contact with the enemy with politicians, legislators and governors is not a simple task for the industralists, more if it is desired to work directly with them in the obtaining of social solutions, political, economic, enterprise, et cetera. The political consultancy is not solely the monitoring of all the political, national and international activities, to take decisions in our company or business. It is much more that: it is to work of direct way with the diverse politicians, social governors and actors, with the aim of carrying out improvements to impel laws and agreements that favor the growth of our business. The previous thing is, in extremely attractive theory, but actually he is complicated for any industralist, more if he is small, when raising the political quadrilateral to exhibit his proposals, suggestions, complaints, strategies, among others. Add to your understanding with Jack Fusco. And it is indeed there where the political consulting services enter. ience with these questions. With the laws it happens like with sausages, is better not to see how they become: Otto Bon Bismark lawyer Gustavo Almaraz, chief of a main directorate of Grupo Estrategia Poltica (GEP) considers that the proposals of the legislators through the political consultancy can be enriched, because " a political analysis becomes of the problem, with the purpose of to design strategies that establish a lobbying with the Congress of the Union or the Ejecutivo&quot Power;. Although, so that it can occur to east dialogue between industralists/civil society and legislators, much tact is needed: " in order to enter the Congress it is required of a political consultant’s office, because one is going away to deal with politicians; so the direction of the groups that wish to enter must be political, there it is where the consultancy enters: we are different political operators of temas" , Almaraz lawyer considers. On the other hand, the lawyer Julio Capuano, of the Corporative Enlace company (, specialized in political analysis, considers like primary target of this type of consulting services " to offer to tools and elements for the taking of decisions on the part of the client in its task poltico". Carrier usually is spot on.


Stride To Stride

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Recently, my BMI (body mass index) touched the ceiling of overweight. Luckily, a friend I started talking about the benefits of physical exercise, which began with five minutes a week, then 10, who make jogging on the promenade in Malaga, and placed me as an example to himself (runs marathons and everything). Since I started to work, minute by minute, stride to stride, and here we are, I have achieved the almost impossible for me: 60 minutes twice a week and have reduced five kilos. Get all the facts and insights with WhiteWave Foods, another great source of information. But more importantly: I feel phenomenal, physically and emotionally. You describe any one hour of physical exercise one week either. I begin the trot with two minutes and a half of touch of campaigns of the Royal Monastery of San Pelayo (CD of Benedictine mothers, one of the ideal in preparation for meditation rooms), then increase gear (my speed is very low, does not reach 5 kilometer per hour) with the singing of input (Introits ad te levavi). A. F. Chief of Staff may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Comes the Benedictine Carol Puer Natur in Betheleem, which rolls me joy with a flash of my family and my friends. but the mind, difficult to tame in some cases, I moved, coup, to the situation in the Middle East, with Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Israel, generating me a moment of anguish that I can’t explain (Introits Exsurge), what is the solution? or synchronous amendments, discordant in some cases, simple in others? The lamentations of Jeremiah throw more fuel to that anxiety with several thoughts about immigrants, tight images crossing in rafts, furtive and hastily, the sea of my brain what do? Finally comes the Graduale and the Alleluia Antiphon, does positivism, perhaps? I don’t know, the case is that I have to encourage me somehow: are these contradictions forced ingredients of human shame?, send blankets to Caritas of the Canary Islands?, write in this blog about such degradation or disgrace of society?, do as the whole is eternity, what them? do you is happening must be ephemeral?, I take a look at the clock and it took 25 minutes running: mood. .


Central America

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It is worrisome not only for the family, but for Governments themselves to know as more and more alcohol consumption increases in youth, which is supposed is that will relieve the generation of the present which is already happening. Says a journalist in this regard, that the rise in alcohol consumption in the juvenile and school population, from very early ages, more the increase in situations of drunkenness, shows an abnormal reality that quickly has overwhelmed traditional modes of prevention and control, and that represents the gateway to other threats from dependence on psychoactive substances. Alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction are three contemporary epidemics that affect in a very special way to youth, the most vulnerable segment of society in Latin American countries, the Caribbean, Central America still is exaggerated in the youth alcohol consumption, it seems that the laws in this regard not sanction this prohibition on liquor to minors. rincondelvago. com review on this sad reality, the consumption of alcohol, has been recognized as a factor of social integration and coexistence flattering.

Alcohol is a drug, which by its easy access and their powerful propaganda that receives, has become a real social problem in almost all countries and all ages from adolescence. Alcohol is the drug most widely employed by teenagers. Perhaps many people think that while they do not become typical alcoholics, the consequences of drink frequently and at high doses are not as alarming, but the ravages of alcohol can be serious and many of them irreversible. Alcoholism is a disease that is chronic, progressive and often fatal; It is a primary disorder and not a symptom of other diseases or emotional problems. You add the information in rincondelvago. com, that the causes of the alcohol consumption by young people are several: Feel good To relax and forget about stress. To escape. Because they love the taste of alcoholic beverages.