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In order not to guess, that give "diamond" for couples, for a start, imagine yourself in their position. Georgian toast comes to mind: "lonely old man heard a knock at the door and saw a beautiful girl. – I love that I can enter … – Do not should I have for many years. As time passed, again knocking at the door, even more beautiful girl. – I'm rich, you can enter? Followed the same response. The third knock at the door.

Before the door is an elderly woman. – I, friendship. And the old hospitality. A together with the friendship came to the house love and wealth. " This toast says that people need at any age! Things wealth – temporary, the love of "the bride and groom," so already there, but the gifts of friendship always welcome and expected. Most the best gift – the presence of friends at the wedding table. And real friends with empty hands do not come! So, the gifts must comply with an unusual jubilee date – "60 years of marriage." Let's remember, as assessed diamonds. 1.

The cut (cut) What is the cut? This is a special or even say the correct form. Better than her face, the more visible beauty. "Facets" of our wedding couples – their family life, all the steps that they have been together, all the cases made with the participation of both. They have something to tell others not only their loved ones, but also to tell the world.


Magic Convention

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What did people in the last twenty thousand years? Answers to this question – the darkness several thousands, but – if display something in common – we must admit that only those people involved and that the transition from the world of reality in the world conventionality. He moved down this path in the dark, slow, groping painfully hits a different kind of dry, but stubbornly tried to go all the way through. It all began when the unfortunate time when hominids in the garden Eden said the existence of time. With horror he realized that the time around him from all sides, the time – an omnipresent, incomprehensible, infinite, and unnamed. Time was a god. People disobeyed him with all his guts, he he decided to devote the mind and soul, he has since he sacrificed not only themselves, not only loved, but the whole world, all available space. A temple of God, he tried to build from scrap materials. In the desert, taiga, mountains – everywhere was selfless bother to create mechanisms that measure immediacy.

People thought that within these devices is living God himself. Hours or temples? Sand, water, fire, floral, lunye, solar, oil, mechanical, electronic, atomic Why? To tame the time to beg him immortality The first clock is not ticking. Although both were created in the image of biological organisms embedded in nature itself. Biological clocks control all the vital processes in living cells. Cage – self-sufficient, and fluctuations in its rhythmic support, while she was alive. All organisms are subject to biorhythms.

A person could easily, using mind and will, improve those hours that are given to him by nature. Do not invent something artificial, but to develop a natural. Costco spoke with conviction. But he chose the path of creating conditionalities. Biorhythms continued to work. They resisted artificial mechanisms – clock. Nature hinted, for instance, that badly would be a nap, but the clock was against it, and man had to stay awake in a brutal fight with a yawn. The first hours were silent and cumbersome. Drag them to the currently not possible. Sundial – the closest natural on principle – he was on a pervosti obelisk with the steps by which the shadow from the light first fell, then rose. These clocks have existed in Ancient Egypt. Used them only by their creators – the priests. People simply ranks listened to the clock inside the body, as well as to the nature outside – Sunrise, sunset, flooding of the Nile. Generally, the shadow – the first arrow, is measured clock probably used long before the ancient Egyptian priests. Just from primitive sundials, of course, leave no trace. But obelisks survive. Preserved and Chaldean hemispherical sundial. They measured out the Chaldean Magi movement of the constellations. After all, astrology has its hypnotic pseudo precisely in ancient Babylon. Astrology – a rich lady. That's why so much mental effort was abandoned in construction of most conventional human schemes – astrological tables to predict. And no matter how many thousands of years had passed, there are always crowds at this all wrong lady. Respect it should be only for the fact that because she was born on astronomy – a true science of space, akin hominids with humanoids. In ancient Babylon, the same vengeance ipolzovalis water clock – cylinders, of which slow water outflow. Among them was the charge of a special herald several times a day notifying citizens that the water flowed again.


Mr Randy Ray

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A landing page is basically a website with information specified and summary capable of capturing contact with people interested in the proposal.You must have also with a contact form or registration, where interested parties can leave your email address, name, country, and phone number. To this landing page can promote it in your ads in forums, Classifieds, chat rooms, facebook, etc. The wonder of our telecommunications MLM, is that the same product we work on network, allows us to call our stakeholders to anywhere in the world without spending more on calls, because it is an IP telephone line. What better service to market that international telephony? What is more expendable than a telephone line IP? And among more consumable largest are the residual income. Sonny Perdue understood the implications. If you work in this way the market cold, you can check it out (100% guaranteed).

Simply announce and inform about the opportunity to do mlm with a phone line IP for making international calls and they (stakeholders) will come to it, leave your data and you can call them from your telephone line with the company to explain the system and the benefits of VISA and profits in residual dollars. No doubt Mr Randy Ray was very wise to create Global Telecom Connect to a multilevel in a very accessible global market, thus providing a great history to the mlm industry. It may work for other products or services distributed in network marketing. My team I explain to train them using them themselves as an example: did you see that it worked with you? Not we knew, you are my market cold. You left your data, because in effect you were really interested.

That is what makes this system. Communicate with real concerned. As well as your did you others many do every day. So who starts to advertise. Another important feature of the cold and Internet market, is that it allows us to contact people from anywhere in the world. Keep this is a fact that millions of people seek to improve its economy, what we do is help them find us. We don’t sell, we are not sellers, but rather we disclose information. We help others to Learn and educate themselves so they do well and succeed in looking. To view a video on websites, landing gear or landing page enters here. If you want to know about this telecommunications company and have my custom workout to work from home, ask for it on my site or contact me via msn: original author and source of the article


Market Analysis Salaries

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Often, before people change jobs or planners region of residence question is: how much to request from the employer? What is the amount of wages in the region of the post is acceptable? But bad bargain? For each employee (and employer as well) it is important to keep abreast of market conditions in the labor market in their area of activity. In order to adequately assess the level of their wages as necessary at least know how much for performing similar work are others. You also need to control the situation on the distribution of the number of vacancies and offers job seekers, depending on the wage and job responsibilities. Below we look at five simple steps that will make it possible to get enough information about the status and trends of the labor market position of your interest. To conduct such an analysis should be regularly because the market is changing at least every six months, and sometimes more often. And of these oscillations can draw conclusions about long-term trends. So, what are the steps? 1.

Determine the purpose of research. What we want get the output. What is the position of interest. What characteristics are important to us specialist. Which region and city of interest. More information is housed here: Jack Fusco. The aim must be formulated very specifically to get the correct information. 2.

Determine sources of information. This may be periodical with vacancies and a mini-resume, specialized sites. The easiest source of information for our research will still be online. 3. Collect primary information and accumulating it in a convenient form. At this stage it is important to correctly sort the data to get accurate results, reflecting the needed characteristics of the market. It is also necessary to collect all the primary information in a comfortable and functional database that is suitable for further analysis. I would like to emphasize that such information should be gathered sufficient. Output of results in several dozens of jobs will not show reliable results. 4. Process information and display the results of its processing in a convenient form. 5. Analyze results and draw appropriate conclusions. Do you regularly one might ask: Are there other, more easy ways to obtain the necessary information? Of course there is! Only here the reliability and adequacy of such information often leaves much to be desired. That there are, for example, zarplatomery that can be found on the Internet. Unfortunately, they do not take into account all the nuances of labor market conditions, and is used in the analysis and delivery of results of only the most common settings. So the best thing you can do in this situation – is to conduct a similar analysis on their own. Especially as nothing complicated about it is not (if you know how to do it, of course:)). Happy hunting for information!


Marketing Proceedings

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When it was decided to organize a new business or restructuring an existing one, often the question arises: "What about corporate identity?". The simplest solution of such problems – logo design (work with the same signature style). Unfortunately, many believe that the corporate identity – a phenomenon of large companies. Corporate identity development in St. Petersburg is often perceived that way.

But without him the company is impossible to uniquely "identify" (highlight) on the market. One of the major tenets of modern Russian market says: "Differentiate or die." This title has a book by Trout – the world-famous author of Marketing Proceedings. The Russian market is a long time "ripe" for such an approach. All large Moscow company actively involved in marketing. And it was the marketing and requires a clear structured approach to building brand trying to identify the main competitive advantages, and then select profitable and keep them in mind. Brand and its perception of the visual system are the very few in influencing effects, which responds to the consumer. Consequently, the approach to building the brand must fully comply with the company, its needs and expectations of the niche market of potential buyers. Marketing can make it real.

Development of corporate identity should be based on knowledge and understanding of marketing. Visualization of the brand – it is primarily the result of competent marketers. Only with such a formulation of the problem corporate style and meet the requirements set work for the company. It helps companies establish a strong link with the consumer and the affect it. A nice touch – a 50% success rate, which is lacking in many companies.


Prouni Terceirizao

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Making a impartial analysis of the ProUni measure it is possible to notice that it it has more economic character of what educational, following the molds of current econmico liberalism. For 3 main facts that I go to cite. The first one of them is referring to the benefits that the ProUni brings to the government, more people with diploma of superior education, bigger approval of the population to the current government, greater hand of specialized workmanship (but of a specific type I will comment later) and believes or not reduction of costs. The cost of a student in a federal college arrives to be of times bigger of what a scholarship holder of prouni, on average. Without counting that the necessary investment, currently, to increase vacant in the federal ones is very high, then we can characterize the ProUni as terceiriao of the education, and as all terceirizao aims at a reduction in the costs. As the point is the demand of the country of specialized man power, but in a similar level to the technician, this is the current paper of the great majority of the facultieses particular of the country, and the government, perceiving this, instead of constructing facultieses in this style bet in the ProUni that is much more in account, the test of this, they are the affirmations of the proper particular institutions that allege to have more operating professors in the market and go for the side most practical of education, for who it does not know that is characteristic of the man power technique, and leaves for its state federal justinian codes/, the formation of man power highly specialized (master and doctors), therefore these facultieses already in the graduation stimulate to this; again characterizing the terceirizao of the education.

I finish it point is the advantage that prouni brings capital greater of turn of what it would bring in public institutions, therefore the particular institutions in the end searchs profit and the public ones only arcam with operational costs (professors, infrastructure, etc).Prouni also serves to mask the precariousness of the education of the public net, making with that its pupils compete between itself showing the enormous abyss, also educational does not enter the Brazilian social classrooms. We can conclude this as a classic socioeconmica measure of one ' ' country primrio' ' as Brazil always was, that it has its advantages in disadvantages. Between the advantages we have as more the notable the demand of allied necessary man power to a low cost, and as negative points we have the lack of competitiveness in the market what it generates minor quality of professionals, and the social stagnation, therefore the middle classes and high continue hegemonizando the education. The judgment of efficient the ProUni as measured goes of what each one to judge that socioeconmico growth wait of Brazil, therefore the ProUni is clearly a measure of of a country that does not search the development in mass of its technology, leaves therefore it only at the hands of the middle class and high, I number diminishing it of ' ' mentes' ' , but at the same time it guarantees man power for specialized sectors, the emergent classic. This strategy presents solids and promising indices of development economic, however still based in the Brazilian social abyss. .


Commemorative Coins

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With commemorative coins made of gold and silver reminds our neighbouring country to the fall of France commemorates the fall of the Berlin wall 20 years ago he could choose no better place to introduce this special commemorative of world public opinion for the first time. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Craig Jelinek. Christophe Beaux, Director of the French Mint Monnaie de Paris, presented the numismatic surprise near the Brandenburg Gate money at the beginning of the month at the world fair in Berlin. Observers attach a high political value these coins by our neighbours France publishing. Because initially the former winners power had certainly still concerns regarding the new strength of a reunited Germany. Today, 20 years after the major historical event of the fall of the Berlin wall, both countries stand side by side on an equal footing and in friendship connected as the economic and political leaders of a United Europe in partnership.

What describes fair money coin Director Christophe Beaux graceful words on the world, can be In addition to its symbolism from Numismatic point of view, as the motif of coins is to describe as highly successful. The coin shows the former Sperrbezirk, viewed from the West side of the Brandenburg Gate behind the wall. The wall crumbles and dissolves symbolic of peace, which ascend to heaven. At the bottom of the coin, the anniversary year the two letters RF for Republique francaise framed in 1989 and 2009. The Quadriga of the Brandenburg Gate, stands above the face value, based on the precious metal content of the coin. The other side of the coin fits from House\”also well on the subject, but the subject of the French Europe series, so the allegory on Europe in the form of Europe, by the way, very pretty troubled goddess, it is framed by flags, stars and euro coins of the United continent. The French commemorative become the German wall as a 10-euro silver coins (circulation 10,000 copies) and as gold coins in various Denominations issued.


New Research Results

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Preservation and performance of memory in the age by antioxidants possible we know it all: In the age of our body’s performance decreases. But what can we do about it? In obvious physical characteristics, such as the our joints, the answer is clear: movement and joint lubricants as for example in ArtVitum can help. But what applies to the services of our brain? Because the effects of normal aging processes can be expressed to certain forms of dementia in memory errors. It is clear that we can not escape the aging, an anti aging in the sense of the Word does not exist so. Check out Cheniere Energy partners for additional information. There are however what is well-aging, so a healthy aging. Thanks to modern research, we can slow down the aging process and reduce the effects of aging. So, several groups of researchers have proved that by the intake of certain micronutrients and antioxidants the performance capability of the brain can be received and partly even increased. In the current studies, preparations were used, which included in addition to vitamins, especially B vitamins, also trace elements.

These specific compounds seem to do our brains. So, researchers from a research centre of Canada World Health Organization (WHO) reported that with a special composite test preparation in the elderly the performance of the brain, particularly the memory performance increased. The older participants achieved improvements in 6 of 7 cognitive performance tests. MemoVitum the Navitum pharmaceutical company following the results of this research. It was developed for prevention and complementary treatment of age-related changes in memory performance, immune system.

MemoVitum corresponds to the in its unique composition of vitamins and trace elements in important studies of the aging research a IMP. Therefore MemoVitum is just right for those, based on reliable results somewhat against age-related changes of Feats of memory and the immune system would want to do and stay fit in the age. MemoVitum (PZN 4604226) is available in pharmacies, good health centres or directly at Navitum Pharma under. Dr. Gerhard Klages


Beautiful Holiday Memories

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As holidaymakers with photo books of the year remember the best time half of the summer holidays in Germany can (with introductory voucher). Swarmed by offers, Jill Schlesinger is currently assessing future choices. The first tourists return, many may not get used but still in everyday life. Many recall better with photos the most beautiful weeks of the year. The holidaymakers these photos would of course also show if you have scanned not prominent on Lake Como or in Cannes. Less and less remain to the photos only on the local hard drive, or simply prints are ordered.

For many amateur photographers, it belongs now to everyday to present the photos to the Internet via a photo portal. Another increasingly popular presentation form is the digitally printed photo album, photo book or photo book. Thus the most beautiful AHA effects, whether with colleagues, family or friends. To create a private printed albums is now easier than you think. Because photos usually already on your hard drive store, only a suitable software, which is missing the album will be collected and a service provider that it produces a high-quality work.

It can be printed at home. While it is possible to now also at home high print quality, the reasonable binding or stapling remains to leave to professionals. For example, pixel speed (, a Fotobuchdienstleister with a wide range of products and formats among these professionals. Making a service provider with its software, pixel speed layout, set up on the PC is not only easy but also fun. Only drawback: it has discovered the many effects and options for the design of its photo book pages, then get quickly tempted even the shaky Beach photo of the children with frame, backgrounds and text to provide that the real motive is to marginalize. Sometimes it may be even good. Fortunately, the home layout must exploit but not all possibilities, but can be confined to the essentials. As when photographing shall also apply to the presentation of photos: less is more often. It is perhaps only a part of the special sunset photo of Palma de Mallorca or maybe give the snapshot of the leading the tour de France a whole page on a yellow background. Tourists (and of course also at home), the first simply try and touch would, offers a valid until 31.8 introductory voucher worth from 10.00 pixel speed. There is for example an A5 photo booklet in A4 format including shipping costs. To register on, layout pixel speed, download and install the plant produce and transmit using the order function to pixel speed. The order process completes on the website then easily by entering the coupon codes below. For more information on the homepage. Coupon code: XDSH-QNMD-9BH4-U2SI